LCD TV and cold weather


Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
I have an LCD tv in my trailer, I bolted it to the tv stand so I wouldn't forget to tie it down when travelling. Now with it being cold I wonder will it freeze? I think it should be fine, but it is LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and the liquid part worries me. I'd hate to find out the hard way. I've been running the furnace the past few nights to keep it around 50F.

What do you think?


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
I have never seen one crack (thinking about laptops left in a car overnight), but in the owners manuals they should have specs for your TV. They usually can't get super cold. Below is a link to a samsung LCD computer monitor that was easy to find. But they say that storage should be between -4*F ~ 113*F, an operating should be between 50*F ~ 104*F. I could see your trailer getting down to -4 easily, and I bet that your TV would be similar specs to a LCD monitor. It maybe worth moving the TV somewhere else for the winter


It might even say on the sticker on the back.... a 60w bulb in a drop light would keep the trailer warm enough on the real cold nights.


Purple Burglar Alarm
I was wondering about the damage aspect of it but I know operating wise they get real muddy and don't want to work in really cold temperatures.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Ogden, UT
We used to run Compaq laptops in our satellite trailers out here in Wyoming. I never saw a frozen or damaged LCD display. These laptops spent every minute of their lives in uninsulated transport trailers. We frequently saw temps well below zero for long periods of time. They always started right up after sitting for days and driven down rough rig roads. LCD's are tough. Too bad the MB and HD didn't last as long as the monitors........



Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
Good to know.

I decided to be safe and unbolt it and bring it in the house that way I know for sure it won't be harmed, unless I drop it moving it in and out of the house!