Letters to the Editor: Trail needs completion


somewhat damaged
By Terry Sanslow


On Jan. 4, 2010 members of Castle Country OHV Association (CCOHVA) had the pleasure of attending the regular meeting of the Carbon County Recreation and Transportation District. The agenda item of interest was the update on the "Cross Country Trail" by Brian Barton of Jones and DeMille Engineering, on the progress and negotiations with the BLM to clear the right of way from North Price to East Carbon across Clark's Valley.

This section of trail will complete the connection to the current east and west loops which were dedicated years ago. Comfort stations have already been installed on the east and west loops of this trail. Several more stations will be installed when the Trail is completed. The "Cross Country Trail" is not just for ATV's. It is a 120 mile loop for all vehicles. Access from the trail to Helper, Price, Wellington and East Carbon is already established.

The BLM has sat on this for more than two years with no action. This being the 10th. Anniversary of CCOHVA, we have pledged our support for this trail by offering our help with signing, maintenance and promotion of this trail system.

I am urging everyone who would like to see this trail completed to get involved and contact the BLM. Ask them to please move forward and clear the right of way for the "Cross Country Trail."
