Lion's Back closed????


Salt Lake
This is interesting. I am actually surprised that green groups aren't trying to stop condos from being built there.

And closing down Potato Salad for EJS will make things a nightmare if that is true as well.


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Supporting Member
This is interesting. I am actually surprised that green groups aren't trying to stop condos from being built there.

And closing down Potato Salad for EJS will make things a nightmare if that is true as well.

Why would that make it a nightmare? I think they should close it down---too many drunken idiots down there. I've made it a point to stay far away from PSH during that week.


Sandy, Ut
The land was (is?) actually SITLA (School Trust Land)... if I'm not mistaken the current leasee's (not owners) are moving off as the land was in fact sold (likely could have sold at public auction). The land sale has been chatted about over the years, even here on RME. While I'm surprised to see it happening, I'm not shocked. Same situation as the Proving Grounds, Lower Helldorado, etc... If it were not for the Area BFE crew, the Upper Helldorado area would have been a goner too.

On the bright side, there are not too many chunks of SITLA land in the Moab area that have such 4x4 qualities, and those that do "should" be much more protected then the ones in the past. SITLA really messed up when they sold the Lower Helldorado property, by not publicizing the existing trail through the property... if the trails history could have been better disputed, existing laws would have protected it (with the help of a wad of $$$, ie Strike Ravine). As for the future of the Hells Revenge exit... good question??? Hopefully some of the Moab locals can give us an update...
Yes it's a bummer, and it WILL happen to Little Moab also. It's only a matter of time, unless the 4x4 community could do something about it.

We know that most people here on RME are engaged in the land use battle. But for anyone who is unaware, we are facing a serious problem. It won't be too long before all we have left is private off-road parks. Unfortunately, that's not an exaggeration.

When there's an opportunity for public comment on a travel plan, gang-green supporters will send in letters and comments in the 10's of thousands. The 4x4 community usually only offers a hundred at best, and usually much less.

Get involved before it really is too late.

Not everyone can donate the countless volunteer hours it takes just to stay on top of the issues. Not everyone can spend 10+ weekends a year doing service projects. But everyone can become a member of these organizations that are fighting to represent for your rights as a 4x4 user.

Most people usually spend more for gas during a weekend wheeling trip than they're willing to donate to land use causes in a year. That's why we're losing so many roads and trails.

Donate. Get your friends to donate.


Salt Lake
Why would that make it a nightmare? I think they should close it down---too many drunken idiots down there. I've made it a point to stay far away from PSH during that week.

If all of those people don't have potato salad to hang out at all day, the trails are only going to be more crowded. I am not going this year anyways.


Registered User
I was in Moab over the weekend and it looked to me like these rumors are true. I noticed that the land has been surveyed and staked for what appears to be an impending construction project (I do commercial construction for a living). It also looked like they were, or had already, cleaned out all of the buildings that are on the land below Lion's Back.

When I built the Zion's Bank in Moab 2 years ago there were whisperings of condos going in right there south of Lion's Back, so it's not a complete surprise to me. Seems like someone at Rocky Mtn. Power (Pacificorp) was telling me that when I was working down there. Probably a sign of things to come for other areas that are SITLA lands in and around Moab. :-\


Push to the Peak
We had a chance to check out the lion and potato ... wow was I disappointed in potato! What in the world does everyone see in that? I got a bit of a taste, as there was an idiot there in a ¾ ton chev. He beats the crap out of it over a slick right hand line. Then comes back around on a far left line. He gunned it so hard and fast, that about 30 beer cans and a long 3/8” chain flew out of the back … we left in disgust.


Vanilla Gorilla
We had a chance to check out the lion and potato ... wow was I disappointed in potato! What in the world does everyone see in that? I got a bit of a taste, as there was an idiot there in a ¾ ton chev. He beats the crap out of it over a slick right hand line. Then comes back around on a far left line. He gunned it so hard and fast, that about 30 beer cans and a long 3/8” chain flew out of the back … we left in disgust.
Pretty standard reaction from a responsible wheeler...I hate the place, it draws the worst of the worst offroaders.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Just a quick update:

Lions Back Campground area has been sold and the current owner has closed down Lion's Back as well as Dump Bump, saying his insurance company forced the issue. We have met with the developer and he is a pretty nice guy, he's also part owner of the Gonzo Inn. The new development is planned to include around 260 units, with a large central unit. They will be 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units; the small units will start at $300,000+.

At this point the exit of Hell's Revenge will remain open, although there may be some re-routing. I am trying to fight the closures, with the help of some concerned organizations. I am trying to get these routes declared as public rights of way, this should negate the responsibility of the land owner in the event of an accident.

We are determined to fight this, legally if it comes down to it, but for now and for this year's Jeep Safari they will NOT be open.

I'll keep you updated on future developments.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Topo map of the sold area

Aerial View


Salt Lake
so it looks like he actually purchased a portion of the begining Hell's Revenge there as well. And the exit route is just at the edge of his property. Wonder why insurance reasons force him to close Bump Dump and not the rest of the trail. The Bump Dump route has been used for longer than 10 years, cant we get it to stay open as part of the route for Hell's?


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
He'd have no chance of successfully closing Hells Revenge trail, way too much use, especially from commercial tours. Lions Back and Dump Bump are, "just obstacles, not a real trail" :rolleyes: