little guidance needed


whats up guys, kinda new here. Was wonderin, im goin back to school (never went to college) and was trying to fig out what major to take. theres so many out there, and theres just so many jobs, its kind of overwhelming. what do you guys see as beign a secure career? or a field of study that would be secure in the future? what kind of degrees do you guys have and from where? Basically just lookin for some ideas that i may not have thought of. Thanks Guys!

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Technical Sales
Business Management

Anything to do with the medical industry, it is the only industry that rarely sees any kind of economic down falls.


Weatherford, Tx
What are you good at? Do you have a knack for something? There is more to selecting a career path then just going for the big bucks. You need to pick something you have interest in and a passion for. Also don't limit yourself to a 4 year degree - there are some great careers out there that only require a 2 year degree. We just hired a guy with a 2 year degree - started at about $23 an hour. Not bad for right out the gate. There's a lot of 4 year degrees not starting that high.


Well-Known Member
TimB said:
What are you good at? Do you have a knack for something? There is more to selecting a career path then just going for the big bucks. You need to pick something you have interest in and a passion for. Also don't limit yourself to a 4 year degree - there are some great careers out there that only require a 2 year degree. We just hired a guy with a 2 year degree - started at about $23 an hour. Not bad for right out the gate. There's a lot of 4 year degrees not starting that high.

i agree pick something you love to do i am going to be going to school for diesel mechanics i took a class on it last year and i loved it they make a lot more than regular mechanics depending on how good you are you could go that route and do something like that


I have my BA in Criminal Justice Administration. I am kind of limited in what field I can work in, but that is just where I wanted to be.

Something in the way of business or communications have multiple applications. Or like Shawn said, Nursing! My wife is a nurse. She loves her job, and there is a huge demand, which is predicted to continue growing. Where there is demand, there is $ and job stability.