I bought this bike recently thinking I would get back to my two wheeler roots. I've absolutely loved it for the short time it's been around, and am going to be a bit sad to see it go. But, my quad is a better fit for the family outings with our two little kids so the bike has to go.
It is in great condition and needs absolutely nothing. The tires are 75% tread or better, the motor is solid as a rock. The plastics are in good shape and have a nice looking graphics kit on them. It has a newer gripper seat, aftermarket foot pegs, a must on this model! It also comes with the factory service manual.
The motor pulls super hard... harder than any single cylinder I've been on. The big 650 is a real power house with the factory HRC kit installed. It's supposed to be around 62HP at the crank and has massive torque down low. I've only taken the bike out two times, once in the hills near Heber, UT, and once at the Little Sahara dunes. The low torque was perfect for the trails at lower speeds. The huge HP and light weight was great at the dunes too! It handles like a much smaller bike.