Looking for this truck. Anyone recognize it?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Theft? Hit and run? Demolition??? Inquiring minds want to know.
No idea, but at least it's a very unique truck. You should have no problem tracking it down. :D

It hit you?

Hit and run on my pickup. I'd like to find him rather than just pay the deductible on my own. I witnessed it and couldn't catch up to the guy.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I wasn't paying that close of attention at the time I could have seen the logo. I was just finishing my lunch. My truck is on State Street just out of the camera view after the box truck makes the right turn. I was sitting in East Coast Subs and noticed the box truck making the turn. I heard/saw him hit my pickup with the back tire/bed rail of his truck. $1500-1800 damage according my insurance company estimate.

Anyone have any stock Super Duty tail lights?
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Well randomly I'm out for a midnight stroll with my dog.... I felt bad he was cooped up all day. During my walk I pass an all to normal, nothing special about it delivery truck in a church parking lot and think to myself...."hmmmmm.....now there's a truck that has absolutely nothing special about it at all"..... then I get home and decide to do some facebooking and my friend Marc Bryson posts a video of that very same, all too normal, nothing special about it, white delivery truck...asking if anyone had seen it. Then I think to myself "this is random, I saw that exact truck ten minutes ago".

Anyway, it was gone in the morning so I returned late that night and spotted it! AHA! ....In fact. I saw it again this morning.

Anything come of it Marc?