Low psi, precision air regulator??


Davis County
Hey guys, I need help sourcing a cheap and locally available air regulator.

I want to adjust inlet pressure from 20psi to 1 to 5psi.

I'm sure there is an easy way to do this like with a welding or airbrush regulator, but I'm unfamiliar with my options.

Ideally it will have a gauge and easily adjustable knob and be able to accept common fittings to adapt to 1/8" barbed fittings.

I have googled a little bit but only found REALLY nice, high dollar units.


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
It wouldn't be calibrated in psi, but a standard shield gas flow regulator might work for this application.
Typical flow rates in the neighborhood of 20 cfh are the norm here.


Well-Known Member
John i do have spare gas shield regulators if you want to give that a try, im sure we could rig something up. i didnt even think of them when we were talking..