Curious what people would use to make an awning/shade shelter out of a tarp. I was thinking springbar upright tent poles would be a sweet ticket. Anyone done something similar that would work better?
They have adjustable pulls at REI that have a little.....spike?.... at the top that is designed to go through a rivet of some what you would find on a tarp.
Depends on the style of tent, last year my neighbor had been given a wall tent canvas with no poles, we used gas pipe cut to 2' lenths and threaded for easier transport. We also made our own wood stove and used this setup on the deer hunt.
I've used sticks before, but that was back east, where trees are far more irritating, and plentiful!, than they are here. And that's for like "oh, crap! we're caught in a freak rainstorm!" than what I think you're planning.
For emergency use, hard to go wrong w/trekking poles. For regular use, stowable, I like the idea of the springbars. I like it a lot.
I have a bag of big aluminum tent poles in the garage you can have a couple if you want to cut them toa length they would work for you. They are the big kind like would go on a cabin style tent or spring bar. Anyway let me know.