I swapped my auto in my toyota out for a manual mines a 22re. It was pretty easy, I bought a new master cylinder and slave cylinder and marlin crawler clutch and picked up a parts truck for 400 bucks, pulled the tranny and t case and flywheel and the line from the master cylinder to the slave cylinder, had the flywheel re-surfaced picked up a pedal assembly from the J-yard. Re-tubed my driveshaft with sch40 for free, the tranny tunnel needed a little cutting but that was about it... And the pedal assembly bolted right in place with no modification. I found a write up on Pirate of how to drill the hole for the slave cylinder and once i drilled those i bolted it in place and hooked up my linkage... and of coarse if you want it to start you need to jump the neutral safety switch, witch i found a write up of how to do so on Pirate. easy as that. I was probably into the whole swap for under 600 bucks.