manual conversion on toyota


mean green machine
my buddy has a 1990 toyota 4runner and the tranny is goin out in it its an automatic but he was wondering how hard it would be to convert it to a stick? is it very spendy? please give me your input thanks
Its not that hard you might have to drill a hole in the frame for the clutch bracket and a. Hole in the fire wall I put a manual tranny in a ford bronco that had the auto and I still need to drill the holes in the frame for the clutch bracket
That's a lot harder than.. smacking something reeeeeaaallly hard with a big hammer. :laughing:

How spendy will a manual swap be... well, that depends on what manual I guess. i've got a nice FJ40 3spd he can have for FREE! with a t-case heheh...

so there's the cost of:
1. new clutch
2. flywheel and flywheel turning
3. slave cylinder
4. new pedal assembly
5. driveshaft mods
6. trans tunnel mods

If that is less expensive and/or less hassle than replacing the automatic, sweet! Proceed accordingly.
I swapped my auto in my toyota out for a manual mines a 22re. It was pretty easy, I bought a new master cylinder and slave cylinder and marlin crawler clutch and picked up a parts truck for 400 bucks, pulled the tranny and t case and flywheel and the line from the master cylinder to the slave cylinder, had the flywheel re-surfaced picked up a pedal assembly from the J-yard. Re-tubed my driveshaft with sch40 for free, the tranny tunnel needed a little cutting but that was about it... And the pedal assembly bolted right in place with no modification. I found a write up on Pirate of how to drill the hole for the slave cylinder and once i drilled those i bolted it in place and hooked up my linkage... and of coarse if you want it to start you need to jump the neutral safety switch, witch i found a write up of how to do so on Pirate. easy as that. I was probably into the whole swap for under 600 bucks.
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he was wondering how hard it would be to convert it to a stick? is it very spendy? please give me your input thanks

I would say very easy compared to a lot of other vehicles. If you guys can drill the hole for the master cylinder and cut a hole for the shifter(s) and do mild fabrication you're good to go. You will need the parts list Tacoma mentioned for sure. The driveshaft thing is a gamble... If you swap the output flanges and get creative you will most likely be able to re-use what you have.

Is it a V6? Or 22RE?

V6: you need an R151F from a V6 4x4 87-95 truck or 4runner. Use the transfer case that comes with the donor manual.

22RE: Anything from 84-95 will have the length you need. Preferably the W56 (22RE trucks/4runners) or the very hard to find R150F (EFI turbo trucks/4runners) will work. Use the t-case that came with these transmissions.

Good luck. It would be nice to see pics of the conversion while you're at it :)
A donor parts truck is the easiest way to go. It has all the parts you need. You can part it out afterward to recoup some money. If you find another 4runner you can use the drive shafts, cross member and all. That is another thing to remember when sourcing parts, auto and stick use different cross members as well.:D
me and a friend swap his auto for a manual and twins in a day with no problems it was like the auto was a after though for toyota but that was in a 85 all the brackets were there and the fire had the lines were to cut for the master cylinder it was sicking easy.