JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
You must consider the cost of said MBA vs the value of that MBA on the job market. If the program is running in pop-up or matchbook cover ads I'm not sure how seriously you'll be taken by a potential employer.


Well-Known Member
Which school are you thinking? I know many well established universities offer online programs. However, if you are planning one of the many schools that have popped up over the years that offer the online degrees, then I think it will be a waste of time and money. Your MBA, more so than other degrees, really matters on where it's obtained from. Most people want to go the online route because they think it will be easier (which it's often not). If you are really wanting to do it, there are plenty of programs that cater to people that work full-time. Both the U and Westminster offer these programs.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the online school is accredited. University of Phoenix is supposed to be one of the better online schools. But online isn't for everyone. I know I could get a degree online, but I wouldn't learn jack.

Paul R

Well-Known Member
I know your up in Logan, USU has a program that works with FT workers... As has been said before for the MBA brand is definitely part of the overall package.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Check USU, for a professional or executive program.

I know the U has both. I completed mine in 2010 from the U and couldn't have imagined trying to get it online.

It is not cheap but so far it is paying off...

I had class every week. Friday one week then Saturday the next, plus we had usually a study session or two during the week. I had to arrange every other Friday off with my work, but I was able to work full time and finish up in about two years...

We had people coming down from Idaho every week to go to class.

Good luck, pm me with specific questions.


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Supporting Member
Westminster has a really good professional MBA program as well. That is where I plan to do mine.