Meeting in Price Tomorrow (Oct 19th)


somewhat damaged

UTAH - IMPORTANT - Meeting in Price Tomorrow - October 19

Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,

BRC just received an urgent message from Mike Swenson, Executive Director of the Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL ), letting us know about the Carbon County Commissioners' meeting being held tomorrow, October 19, 2011. Sorry for the short notice, but this is extremely important.

We've pasted USA-ALL's email below. Please take a minute to read the alert, take action and then pass it along to friends, family and riding buddies.

Ric Foster
Public Lands Department Manager
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 107

Important Meeting in Price, UT. Tomorrow Wed. Oct. 19
October 18, 2011

Dear Ric,

We wanted to notify you of a very important meeting in Price tomorrow evening. All the meeting details will be below. This County Commission meeting will be to discuss whether gates on a few public roads should or should not be locked. If they are to be locked; who should do it? Who should have the keys? The controversy is surrounding a welcomed gas development project by the Bill Barret Corp. (BBC) in the West Taveputs area in Nine Mile Canyon. The problem is SUWA threatened to tie the federally required environmental assessment of the project up in court for the next decade if all parties didn't comply with their demands. The County, BBC, and even the BLM were put in a very difficult, no win situation. The commissioners, true to their word, said they would not lock the gates without first holding a public meeting and soliciting comment from the public.

Some of the concerns are if the County does not lock the gates will the BLM? The County claims these roads. So who owns the road? Can the BLM lock the gates? If BLM locks the gates what will the County do? How will the action or inaction affect the much needed project that is now in process? If the County locks the gates, how long will they remain locked? Does the County even have the right to lock them for such a project and if so for how long? These and other questions remain to be answered.

Whether you live in Carbon County or not the outcome of this meeting will very likely affect you. The economic boost to the region is significant as well as is the tax revenue that it will generate for all of us. Additionally concerning is the possibility that the process to approve this project could be duplicated on a project near you. Is that something you would like? Some have claimed this is a great new way for parties to come to the table and compromise and that it is the new way projects can be approved. It feels more like environmental extortion to us. We would bet all parties involved, except for SUWA, feel similarly.

USA-ALL has been carefully involved with this issue for over a year now. We support the need to have such valuable economic projects in rural Utah. We, however, do not support the permanent closing of any roads. We are all in favor of working things out and compromising to a point, but not when that compromise has come as a result of having a known enemy point a loaded gun to our head.

Meeting Details

Date: Wednesday October 19, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM, But you better be there early if you want a seat. Be there at least by 5:30 PM
Location: Carbon County Building, 120 E Main St. Price, Utah
Room: Carbon County Commission Chambers

Please attend this meeting and let your opinion be heard. Remember to be professional and respectful. We have said it before and we'll say it again. Neither Carbon County NOR BBC is the enemies here. They are trying to balance things and do their best. The problem is an over regulated federal planning process and abusive, litigious, wealthy, environmental corporations (not sweet little grass-roots organizations) who have now began acting more like organized crime rings than peaceful earth worshippers.

Show-up to this meeting, get involved with us, and be active...let's take the power back.


Michael Swenson
Utah Shared Access Alliance


somewhat damaged

UTAH - Report on Carbon County Commission meeting

Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,

BRC just received an email from Mike Swenson, Executive Director of the Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL), with a quick report on the Carbon County Commission meeting, we told you about in our October 19 Alert.

We've pasted USA-ALL's email below. Please take a minute to read the alert, take action and then pass it along to friends, family and riding buddies.

Ric Foster
Public Lands Department Manager
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 107

Report: Carbon County Commission Mtg

Dear Ric,

We wanted to give a quick report on last week's meeting in Carbon County and also draw your attention to the bottom of our email for more info on recent national Wilderness issues from our partners at the Blue Ribbon Coalition.

First we need to thank those that attended the Carbon County Commission mtg last week regarding the closing of a few county roads. Those who gave public comment were professional and well spoken. One even jerked a few tears from our eyes. Thank you to all who came and commented.

We especially want to thank a few folks in the media that have taken great efforts to tell the story of what has been happening. Chad Booth and his show, "At Your Leisure" did a great story on the meeting and the public's concerns over these closures. You can watch the segment from his most recent show by clicking here scroll down to the trail head adventure segment. It's well worth your time to watch...please do. We also must thank Steve Brown from KFAN 1320 AM and his show, "Inside the Outdoors." Steve has proven he is a HUGE believer in shared access and common sense management of land and resources. Steve did a live interview with us immediately following the commission meeting. He has pledged to help spread the word about our cause. His show is informative and entertaining, tune into it at 1320 AM or streaming on the web at on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Friday - Trail Mix Show 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

The meeting went very well. There were a little over 60 people present. 1 person spoke in favor of the closure and about 50 spoke in opposition. The Commissioners were obviously in a tight spot and are clearly trying to do the right thing for the county as well as stand up for access to public land.

We had the opportunity to speak with all the commissioners after the meeting as well as a representative from Bill Barrett Corp. We again affirm that these entities are friendly to our cause.

We are increasingly disgusted with the Mafia like tactics of the enviro thugs. We want folks to know that the closure of these roads have NOTHING to do with the ability for the project to be executed. NOTHING. This is an attempt by a bloated and arrogant environmental organization to abuse and exploit a broken land use planning system, bad laws, bad policy, and a weak BLM. This latest move has just increased our resolve to stop their evil agenda by 10 fold. We will not let this happen again in Utah. We will spend every penny and every ounce of political capital we have to see to that.

The Carbon County Commission has yet to determine whether they will lock the gates or not. We are almost certain if they do not, BLM will. We do think there may be some possible alternative options and we hope that BLM and the County can reach a true compromise. If a compromise isn't reached; lawsuits are SURE to follow. We will keep you posted on the outcome.

This issue should matter to you no matter where you live...this has serious potential for becoming a new problem for public land management, access, and resource development in the west. We must make sure that this does not become the "new" way of managing land in our country. BLM seems all too willing to allow it, and the enviro thugs have no problem stooping to this new low. We the people must stand up to it and stop it now.

If you care about stopping this kind of madness and want to help you can do 2 things.

1. Join USA-ALL and or donate additional funds to us. You can do that right here and now by clicking the, "Donate" button.

2. When we ask you to go to a meeting, write an email, or make a phone call....DO IT!

And if you want "extra credit" talk to your co-workers, friends, family, clubs, etc about our cause and our organization and encourage them to join as well. We will even come and speak to big or small groups of people wanting to know what they can do. Just call us at 801-850-9315 x 101 and set it up.

We also wanted to draw your attention to an EXCELLENT write up on current national land useWilderness legislative issues by our partners at the Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC). The write-up went out yesterday and it is full of very good informative stuff. We really appreciate BRC for the good work they do and the support they have given USA-ALL. Click the following link to read their alert:

The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible recreation, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, education, and collaboration among recreationists. The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season is here. Federal employees, please mark BlueRibbon Coalition and Check #11402 on your CFC pledge form to support our efforts to protect your access. Join us at 1-800-258-3742 or

As a non-profit, grassroots organization funded primarily by membership dues and donations, we greatly appreciate your support. Visit to help fund our efforts to protect your trails!



I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Just found out the commission is having another meeting on this item at tonights meeting. I am trying to find out more info........