Milford City passing resolution to block mine closures.


Registered User
Just an update for those interested. As some of you may know, OGM and BLM have been planning to close most all of the mines in the Milford city area, this includes the Star Range, Frisco and Newhouse. We met with the city council on Tuesday night and made a proposal to stop the closures, no letters, nothing nice.. we want to take it right to court, suing both the BLM and OGM to block the closures permenantly. Well, it went over quite well, they accepted our initial proposal and made a resolution to take affirmative action to stop the closures with GRE driving the efforts. Our next step is meeting with the Beaver county commision to get county buy in on this. We will be presenting a proposed plan of action to the city council on the 20th, outlining the actions needed to move forward and hopefully getting the county commision behind us on this. This is a huge deal and will likely lead to a landmark decision of marking mines and mine sites as historic areas which cannot be closed or disturbed. RME has been very supportive of GRE so we just wanted to pass this good news along to the community. We will update as the motions progress. Just goes to show that change starts with just a few people dedicated to an idea. if you need anymore info, well, I think everyone knows the site.


Resident Thread Killer
Good work. I spend quite a bit of time in Milford for work, and there are some very cool areas down there. It would be a shame to see them mowed under. Thanks, and keep up the fight.


Active Member
Hurricane, Utah
Nice!!! I have been in many of those mines and it would be a shame to loose the right to be able to go explore them. Keep up the good work.