Moab 1/31 - Fins and Cliffhanger

Mead, WA
Ran Fins and Things in the AM after breakfast. It was kind of cold out, and the wind started up which brought in some snow flurries. This place isn't the place I'd like to be stuck at in a snow storm! With all of the steep hills, etc...

With that said, the shady sides still had snow/ice on them. There some places where people tried to go up and turned tire spots into ice. Of course all of these places were on the steep up/downs. :eek: Which made it very interesting, indeed... The first decision of easy and hard, I chose hard to find snow covered areas. When you get to the really hard part (the steep descents) we're snow covered, because they were behind a tree. The snow was melting though, so it was kind of wet as well. Denny's breakfast was getting to me, so I bailed after completing the south side. Not to mention, the snow flurries were getting stronger, and the visibilty was going down dramatically.

After getting back to town, I got a txt message from Notajeep, so we hooked up and ran Cliffhanger.

Cliffhanger is about a 3.5 right now. 31's and a locker is probably all you would need to complete the trail. There are some obstacles in a few places that you can play on to increase the difficulty a bit. The cliff side was recently re worked (about a year ago) so it was fairly smooth - Questar had to work on the gas pipeline last year, and filled some of the difficult places in with cement. The snow flurries quickly turned to sun by about 1pm. This trail was completely dry, with no wet sand or snow anywhere. There was some water (ice on the edges) in the creek, though...
you should know better then to post up a trip report without pictures.

come on Wayne your slipping

There are lots of pictures out there....For Fins I was alone, so they would be the same pictures, but with snow. Cliffhanger I should have taken them, but didn't remember the camera until we were driving the last obstacle on the way out (the hard stair climb). I took some of Notajeep going out on the right side. He did it pretty effortlessly, I had a little bit of difficulty...Mostly wheelbase issues. I'm also not carring for the Baja Claws bias version that I just installed for this trip...I think.. I need more testing. There were places on Cliffhanger that I would have made with my radial claws. But I need to test them more to make a full decision. I typically air down to 10, and this time I was down to 13, but now I'm down to 10 so I can realy compare.