Moab Nite Run durring safari?


Smooth Gang Founding Member
moab rim became an early morning tradition starting last year. we did it at about 6 a.m and didn't see a single person on the trail or going to it.

most everyone is hung over :rolleyes:


Registered User
Arm Utah
xj_punk said:
moab rim became an early morning tradition starting last year. we did it at about 6 a.m and didn't see a single person on the trail or going to it.

most everyone is hung over :rolleyes:

That's the time of day we like to hit Pritchett.


It's my turn to drive!
dont know about u guys but i need to start early, i dont have the fuel capasity to wait around all day. we start pritchett around 6:30 7:00 and usually are able to finish within 4-5 hrs, but that's if nobody breaks, favorite run!


Smooth Gang Founding Member
maybe we should organize an early morning pritchett run. i've never done it and it is in the plans for this year... along with many more challenging trails


Smooth Gang Founding Member
we really should do it, someone create a thread in upcoming, or i will.
cody, don't be a sissy! i want to wheel with you guys
lets get some people together and do this!
that would be weird to actually wheel with more than one rig, thats what i am used to. :rolleyes:

i'll be in moab wed 23 - sunday 27


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Supporting Member
I"m down for like Upper Hell or something at night but I don't think I could pull off a 6 a.m. trail and if I did it would have to be like thursday morning or something. I mean, it's pritchett, if we start at 6 and don't have traffic we could hit rock pile and be out by 8:00 I guess that'd work and then I could go back to bed.

The reason for thursday is I'll be to drunk at 6 a.m. on the other days to do any real wheelin.



Smooth Gang Founding Member
i made a thread in upcoming

dude fins and things is off the scale in toughness, i don't know if i can handle it


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Cody said:
I"m down for like Upper Hell or something at night but I don't think I could pull off a 6 a.m. trail and if I did it would have to be like thursday morning or something. I mean, it's pritchett, if we start at 6 and don't have traffic we could hit rock pile and be out by 8:00 I guess that'd work and then I could go back to bed.

The reason for thursday is I'll be to drunk at 6 a.m. on the other days to do any real wheelin.


you are a slave to alcoholism my friend :p


Registered User
Arm Utah
Cody said:
I"m down for like Upper Hell or something at night but I don't think I could pull off a 6 a.m. trail and if I did it would have to be like thursday morning or something. I mean, it's pritchett, if we start at 6 and don't have traffic we could hit rock pile and be out by 8:00 I guess that'd work and then I could go back to bed.

The reason for thursday is I'll be to drunk at 6 a.m. on the other days to do any real wheelin.


Start at 6 and RockPile by 8? Don't you mean RockPile by 7 and White Knuckle by 8? :greg:


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Ken said:
Lets all just do steelbender.

is steel bender a tougher trail? i don't want to lose the hardcore members to gain softcore ones you know? no offense to anyone of course. plus i like a challenge.


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Supporting Member
Bart said:
Start at 6 and RockPile by 8? Don't you mean RockPile by 7 and White Knuckle by 8? :greg:

No, I said to rockpile and back out by 8. But we could go through to white knuckle. I haven't been there since "the incident" ;)

Steel bender is cool, but it's kinda iffy for me to drive the way back out. I don't have a problem doing an easier trail if we get more members there. We could do Metal Masher or something like that....


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
I would quit my job and drive back down there to join you all but the jeep just isn't ready for all the hard core stuff you guys are talking about... I'll be down there 18-20 and hoping to get fins and things on saturday and hells revenge on sunday....

Maybe I can break the jeep temporarly and let the kids drive the expedition back home with the girlfriend while I stay down there and refix the jeep and go run with you all....


Registered User
Salt Lake
Steelbender isn't rated that high is it? I thought it was around a 3 or so. It's funny I kinda just found that trail by accident. What's up with the way back out cody? I didn't get very far into that trail.