Moab RMP - Don't panic...yet


I luv Pritchett
The Draft RMP has just been released, and it is already causing a major uproar from both the OHV'ers and the SUWA-types. But before everyone starts flooding the BLM offices with hate maile (that will just get round-filed), we need to understand the alternatives so we can make meaningfull comments, comments that might actually make a difference!

Now, I haven't had time to thouroughly analyze anything yet, so what I am going to say is preliminary and very abbreviated, and some facts may certainly be wrong, but that just proves that we need to take our time and understand this thing.

Alternate A (No change). This will never happen. Do you really think that BLM spent the last 5 years or so working on this thing, just to stay with what is currently in place?

Alternate B (Most restrictive for OHV's and commodity extraction). We need to let BLM know that this alternative is not acceptable, but we need to give them specific reasons why. (More on that later.) Also, it is important to note that as currently written, it appears that no jeep safari trails would be closed under this alternative, although I did read where someone said that Potato Salad Hill would be closed.

Alternate C (Prefered by BLM). It is very likely that this Alternative (likely with some revisions) will be the one chosen. No Jeep Safari routes would be lost. There would be a relatively small "open" area (White Wash Sand Dunes), but it would be much smaller that is now open. Most (if not all) trails and roads would be "designated" as opposed to "existing", meaning they are closed unless shown as open on BLM's map. According to my source at BLM, most of the roads that will be closed (yes, there are lots) are old siesmograph lines that Grand County has abolished in thier travel plan. There are also several areas called "Areas of Critical Environmental Concern" (ACEC's). These areas have different management goals, which potentially could affect trails within the areas at some point.

Alternate D (Least restictive for OHV and commodity extraction). Same as C, except fewer roads would be closed, and a somewhat larger open area is provided at White Wash sand Dunes. All routes would still be "designated". Also, if I remember correctly, there would be no ACEC's.

So, what do we do? In my opinion, we need to support Alternate C or D, and give specific information as to what we want changed. For example, we need to say "such and such trail has historically been used as a jeep route, and is important for blah blah blah, and should therefore remain open in the travel plan". This type of info carries more weight, and is more usefull to BLM.

Now, this document is huge, and most people will understandably not be able to read and analyze the whole thing. If you can, that's great... please post to let everyone know what you found. For the rest, this is where we need to trust organizations like BRC and U4WDA for specific comments. Be patient, they will let us know what they find out in time for us to comment.

Moab Friends-For-Wheelin' is in the process right now of going through the DRMP. Ber Knight (member of MFFW and RR4W) is comparing every trail on the BLM's maps to his own trail maps. (Believe me, he has been on all of them.) He reports a few omisions so far, but also some surprises that we didn't think we would get. From a jeeper's standpoint, this may be the single most important thing we can do, identify specific trails that are or are not on the maps. When we finish, I will post the results, but it will probably take a few weeks.

Sorry for the long post, but this is extremely important. Please try to attend the public meetings if you can, and please send in your comments. But also please try and make those comments count, with accurate and specific information.

I'll post more in the coming weeks when I get more info.
Thanks for the prelim info. We all need to be aware of this and what's happening. More info to come from U4WDA as well. It's 1300+ pages including the maps and referenced documents. It's a lot of info to digest!

Jeff made a great point about commenting. SPECIFIC COMMENTS are best. Please find something specific to comment about if at all possible. More information will be coming.
For anyone playing along at home:

Just made a quick comparison of designated routes for Alt B (SUWA) vs Alt D (OHV/Extraction). Move your mouse over the image to see the difference. It's only a small section of the map, but it gives an idea of what will be lost. The one that jumps out at me is the loss of the Cache Valley Road that heads east out of Arches NP.

Keep in mind that this is only the comparison of the designated routes. Existing routes could 2x as much, and those routes will be lost once the area is changed to designated routes only.


New Member
Hey All,

I am the Land-use officer over at Pirate4x4.

I want to help out with this as much as possible. I am committed to fighting this stuff everywhere, not just in my backyard.

We are currently undergoing route designation in ELDO National Forest, where the Rubicon is located. I am willing to help in two ways:

1. Getting the word out to the public, I currently write land-use articles for for 2 publications and if it's anything like in ELDO, few people know about this stuff and even fewer send in comments.

2. While I do not know EVERYTHING, I know the people that do. I know how to write comments that will get results and not just be thrown into the "insignificant" pile. If you follow the fight we have got going on in ELDO, maybe we can give you some ideas on your own battle. There's Info here:

Since I will not be checking this forum very often, could someone PLEASE keep me informed about what is going on.

Is there any one "key" person who is leading this fight? If so, could you contact me at I will give you all our notes and a run-down of what we have done in ELDO.

