Money to Play with


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
So I am getting my finical game on track. I have some money that I am looking at doing a larger investment. I know there are people on here that are smart with money, so I am looking for some good advice. Now I have some of the "normal" investments but I am looking to have a bigger more risky (within reason) investment. I have a finical advisor but he kinda holds back from more risky investments. Some of the investments I have looked at is export of certain farm animals, export of collectable US made cars, ect... So if you have some GOOD suggestions please let me know. I am not looking to finance someone's build, vacation ect...


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Listen to your advisor. That's what you have him for. If you have your own company, invest back into that with newer or better equipment. With higher risk comes potentially higher reward but ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure you can never be liable for more than your initial investment.


Finding Utah
Supporting Member
We bought a Vacation Rental in Kanab 2 years ago and was a little slow getting it on the rental market but I put it on 2 websites last month and have rented it 12 nights in the last 4 weeks at $118 a month in the slow season. We have it rented in July for a week already and have gotten several requests we haven't accepted. I don't think I could do a full time rental but this is turning out good so far. I have to give my wife props on managing it so well and keeping on top of requests, that makes a difference.

We paid $67k for this a and another $10k to furnish and paint it.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Exotic animal imports, fancy car jumbo.. All good ways to watch your money say good bye..

Real estate is my choice. If I had a lot of extra money, I would buy a lot of extra homes.. maybe apartment complexes..
Storage units are high on my list.. and a car wash would be nice also..

unless you are sitting on a vault full of money you don't need, I would stick to tried and true methods. Eventually you will have the vault of money to play risky with.


Formerly black_ZJ
If you are already 100% free of any and all debt and have a decent college fund set up for your kids then and only then should you look at taking a chance on any investment, as others have mentioned I would also recommend investing in some rental property in an area where you could be happy living after retiring


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
Contact my friend. She is great to deal with:


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
If you are already 100% free of any and all debt and have a decent college fund set up for your kids then...

Some of the best investments you can make are in yourself and your children's future...

A little extra on the mortgage every month can reflect HUGE financial benefits...


By endurance we conquer
We bought a Vacation Rental in Kanab 2 years ago and was a little slow getting it on the rental market but I put it on 2 websites last month and have rented it 12 nights in the last 4 weeks at $118 a month in the slow season. We have it rented in July for a week already and have gotten several requests we haven't accepted. I don't think I could do a full time rental but this is turning out good so far. I have to give my wife props on managing it so well and keeping on top of requests, that makes a difference.

We paid $67k for this a and another $10k to furnish and paint it.

118 a month?


Formerly black_ZJ
Some of the best investments you can make are in yourself and your children's future...

A little extra on the mortgage every month can reflect HUGE financial benefits...

If folks simply paid an extra $100 each month on their mortgage the savings on interest alone is huge, but most people are in no hurry to get out of debt.


Threat Level Midnight
So, your investment criteria includes:
-Stuff your financial advisor recommends against
-Stuff that is more risky
-Qualifies as playing with your money
-Large (or decent size) investment

Sounds awesome! I personally have had some good success with some real estate investments. I have some friends that have done well with some simple cash flow investments, like storage units, car washes, or even RV parks.


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
Let me clarify... my advisor has not advised against any of the options that I am looking at he just does not deal with "higher return" investments. also my debit is taken care of real-estate scares the crap out of me but it is on the table. As far as my mortgage I am working on buying property to build the house I WANT to build. so I am not looking at doing something stupid I am just REALLY getting into this making my money work for me thing.


Running Behind
Eagle Mountain
I don't know much at all about investing so feel free to throw my opinion out the window, but wasn't it not too long ago that you were selling everything because you were strapped for cash and hurting for income?

Risky investment doesn't seem like the best idea if you are just on a "good streak" with income.


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
You are right but I have finally figured things out. I have a great job and with my stupidity with money in the past I am really enjoying seeing my net worth increase. I am really really enjoying the investments I have made.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Have you tried Iraqi Dinar? It's the highest risk, highest reward I can think of (other than selling a testicle or shacking up with Floyd Mayweather).

What about roulette? I hear it can pay up 35:1 on your investment in a matter of seconds.
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