more nerd stuff: Hosted Windows application server


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Anyone have a recommendation for hosted cloud servers? I have an application server I'd like to try a hosted server solution with. Seems like these run about $250-400 per month for a Windows server.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
We use both GCP and AWS. The guys that have to deal with it seem to prefer AWS. But corporate got a better contact out of GCP. So we're slowly moving it all over and our new projects are on GCP.

About the time we start getting towards the end of the migration I'm sure they'll get another better contract and make us move it all back. Or even more likely Azure.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
We use both GCP and AWS. The guys that have to deal with it seem to prefer AWS. But corporate got a better contact out of GCP. So we're slowly moving it all over and our new projects are on GCP.

About the time we start getting towards the end of the migration I'm sure they'll get another better contract and make us move it all back. Or even more likely Azure.


I'm kind of leaning towards Azure but will check out Tonnequint per @rholbrook
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Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Last place I worked for had some stuff on Azure, getting things set up and going wasn't too bad once you got it figured out. There were some gotchas with cloud hosting vs local data center like no console access that made things interesting. Fat finger a fstab and it becomes more than just a jump on console, boot single user mode and fix.

Current job uses Tonaquint for co-lo datacenter (our equipment located there). The hallway that lights up as you walk down it is pretty cool 😎
The company I work for is full on azure, but I only use server-less applications (azure functions and app services) and sql databases. My impression is that it is pretty expensive, but support is very good and performance options virtually unlimited. If you are already familiar with local windows app services, you would fit right in with just a little learning. My last company did everything private or AWS. Similar options, but all the details were different.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
The company I work for is full on azure, but I only use server-less applications (azure functions and app services) and sql databases. My impression is that it is pretty expensive, but support is very good and performance options virtually unlimited. If you are already familiar with local windows app services, you would fit right in with just a little learning. My last company did everything private or AWS. Similar options, but all the details were different.
when I worked with it we had about a dozen linux VM's but they were large with lots of SSD storage attached and rumor has it they were paying $1000 a day. They figured out they could do it in-house cheaper and we ended up pulling about 40TB of application data back.