motorcycle clutch question


Well-Known Member
When clutches go out on a motorcycle is it like a car where it starts slipping for a while, or does it just go out all at once?

I went riding on Friday (on my xt225), and my clutch was behaving like normal. No issues. Then I loaded it up in the truck, and when I unloaded it, it wasn't working.

The clutch lever moves just fine, and it pulls the cable on top of the left side case. So it seems like the lever/cable assembly is working just fine. WHen I shift the bike (on or off) it feels like it's clicking into gear, but I can still push the bike on the ground like it's in neutral.

So either the shifter is not shifting it out of neutral, or the clutch is fried. Any ideas?
It should go out gradually. Just like a car, the first thing is to verify you have some play in the cable. If there isn't some play, it wont let the clutch engage completely.
Sounds like something is jammed holding the clutch open. If the lever or cable or cam was broken the clutch wouldn't release. Since it is always like the clutch is pulled in something is probably jammed/stuck. Pull the clutch cover off (drain the oil first) and pull the clutch lever. You should be able to see if everything is working like it is supposed to. Let me know if you need me to come take a look with you.
thanks Corban. It's at my parents' house right now. I'll grab it in a few hours and take a look. I wonder if I bent the lever, or jammed something in there. THe clutch was grabbing at the very end of the lever, so it wouldn't have taken much to bump it out of engagement.

Thanks guys. I'll report back in a couple hours.
You might also try backing the adjuster all the way out. there should be one on the perch and probably one in the middle of the cable somewhere.
you mean screwing the barrel adjuster all the way in, right? That would give it more slack. Do I understand that right? If you were to cut your clutch cable, then your clutch would always be engaged. So I guess I could test my clutch by removing the clutch cable from the lever.
One item that I had to deal with once on my CRF was the clutch basket would start to notch from the metal plates rubbing on the basket. The notches would prevent the plates from engaging the clutch all the way. I would just take a file to it and smooth them down. Since you might pull the clutch cover off, look at that as well.
I figured it out.

Anyone notice anything wrong with this picture?



I must have the best luck in the world, because this happened in the back of the truck on the way home. Crazy. Easy fix though.
they all sheared (shore?) off. The previous owner told me that one of 'em had shorn off, but I"m guessing he over-torqued all of them and weakened the bolts. I'm pretty sure I can back 'em out and just get some new bolts in there. It's pretty amazing that I got the bike back to the truck without issue. That could have been a very long night.
WOW! :eek: I've towed motorcycle to motorcycle before and I'm glad we didn't have to do it on Friday night! :) And Rot Box, I'm pretty sure the little 225 with the 420 chain doesn't have too much power. ;)
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I remember hearing something on the way down. It sounded like I had dropped something from my backpack, or that a part fell off my bike. I turned around to go look and see if I could see anything on the ground, and I couldn't, so I continued on down the hill. Now I know what that sound was.