mounting coilovers or airshocks on lower links


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
i know the desert guys have been doing it forever and a ton of ultra 4 guys do it now

my plan was to do it on mine but now i got to that point i have some questions..

most of those guys have huge controll arms running a busing or johnny joint on one end

my lower link has 1.25 hiems on each end.. if i mount the coilover or airshock on it wont it cause my link to twist on the hiem all day?

will that cause problems?

sorry kinda a stupid question just wondering if i can do it with out running a bushing on one side
You need something to physically keep the link from twisting. That can be a bushing at one end, or a small link going sideways to stabilize it, or spacers on the sides of a joint to keep it from moving. You can also put the mounting point of the shock below the centerline of the link, so it will naturally take the right position. (at the expense of ground clearance)
carl how the heck do you know so much about this stuff! so in your opinion whats the best way to do it?

a bushing on the axle end seems like it wouldn't be a bad way to go..

or shock mounted below center line of axle , might kinda suck but would probably help save my drive line since my links are up so high
The shock doesnt have to be mounted under the centerline of the axle. Just the centerline of the link.......
thanks skippy... i can't read .. i was wonder how that would work mounted below the axle centerline lol

i should probably stay off the computer tell i'm recovered from surgery and not on pain meds.. sorry for all the high post lately guys
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carl how the heck do you know so much about this stuff! so in your opinion whats the best way to do it?

a bushing on the axle end seems like it wouldn't be a bad way to go..

or shock mounted below center line of axle , might kinda suck but would probably help save my drive line since my links are up so high

It's because I'm a total freakin' rock star from Mars!

Mounting them below centerline of the link is great because you won't ever worry about the link twisting weird if a bushing goes away, plus it sounds like you might already have the joints for both ends?

I do like a bushing at one end though....if you're mounting shocks to the link, I'd put the bushing at the chassis side, so the link doesn't want to "articulate" with the axle, it'll stay more in line with the chassis, just like the shock needs to.

How's that for a non-answer? :greg:
thats great.. yeah i have joints for both sides but i can pick up some bushings .. i know alot of the land rover guys say a bushing on one end helps the ride a little bit also..

you dont by chance have a picture of a shock mounted below center line of link?
you dont by chance have a picture of a shock mounted below center line of link?

No, but a quick search turned up this:
