Movie project could close OHV area over Memorial Day Weekend (White Wash / Dubinki)


somewhat damaged
Movie project could close OHV area over Memorial Day weekend
by Craig Bigler
contributing writer
01.07.10 - 10:47 am

A major movie production coming to Grand County later this spring could result in the closure of the White Wash Sand Dunes during Memorial Day weekend, according to a discussion between Bureau of Land Management officials and the Grand County Council on Tuesday.

Portions of a Disney/Pixar movie, “John Carter of Mars,” are slated to be filmed starting Memorial Day weekend at the White Wash Sand Dunes, south of Green River city. Following that, more filming will be done at Fisher Towers, along state Route 279, and by the Rainbow Rocks, BLM officials said.

The Disney/Pixar movie is the first major production to be filmed in the area for many years, and the Utah Film Commission is “agog” with the prospects, BLM Moab Field Office Director Lynn Jackson said. Jackson noted that the movie is expected to generate $60 million in revenues during filming throughout the state. He said $10 million of that will be in Grand County.

“These movies are a lot of fun. For the most part they’re pretty easy on the land,” Jackson said.

Jackson and BLM Recreation Manager Russ Von Koch sought the council’s assistance this week because, they said, the proposed filming could raise two significant problems. One issue involves wilderness proposals. The other problem stems from Disney’s desire for exclusive use of the sand dunes during the area’s busiest time of year for motorized recreation.

A majority, (90 percent) of Disney’s intended film locations are within lands proposed for wilderness designation by “America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act,” which is currently pending in Congress, Jackson said.

The intended film locations include a proposed filming area at Fisher Towers and a very small portion of the Whitewash Sand Dunes area that are proposed for wilderness, and proposed locations in areas managed by three other BLM field offices, Jackson said.

Jackson said the BLM is “trying to figure out a way,” to reach the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and other conservation organizations, hoping to mitigate opposition from them.

The issue of shutting motorized recreationists out of the popular White Wash Sand Dune area and the roads leading to and connecting with it will likely raise the ire of off-road groups, Jackson suggested. The sand dunes contains the only open area in Grand County, and one of very few in Utah, where vehicles are allowed to travel freely off road.

Jackson said people, especially motorized recreation groups “don’t take kindly” to the closure of their favorite area for two or three weeks.

“A single-handed... federal action is not the way to go,” he said. “I think we can get more done if we all work together.”

“John Carter of Mars” is slated to begin filming by the end of May and filming is expected to last for seven to 10 days. The production will take the Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend off, but Disney has requested exclusive use of the White Wash area during the entire time to assure access and to control noise, Jackson said.

County council members advised Jackson and Von Koch to conduct outreach and education efforts with user groups. Council chairwoman Audrey Graham said, “Its all in the expectations.” If users are aware they will be barred from some of the places they want to recreate they will make other plans and not be disappointed, Graham said.

Council members agreed that federal action enforced by federal agents to keep recreationists out of the area would create a backlash. Because traffic on county roads comes under the Grand County Sheriff’s jurisdiction, the council advised working with Sheriff Jim Nyland to secure his assistance.

“If the sheriff authorizes closure... then Disney could provide security personnel,” council member Chris Baird said.

Jackson said he has talked to Disney about having the company negotiate directly with the Utah Trail Machine Association. Disney is considering hiring members of that group as monitors, he said.

Jackson and Von Koch agreed to conduct preemptive outreach and education, make the contacts suggested by the council, and develop an action plan soon. Council member Baird agreed to be the council’s point of contact.

Initially, the production will spend three weeks constructing and fencing off the sets for security. Exclusive use of the White Wash area is not requested during that time, but 10-15 workers will camp in the area, BLM officials said.

During filming, beginning at the end of May, Disney has requested exclusive use of the area. More than 200 people, plus vehicles, trailers, and equipment, will “fully occupy” the camping area. Helicopter use is proposed, according to Von Koch.

The BLM anticipates no problems with the public at Fisher Towers, where the recreationists are hikers, Von Koch said.



Who Dares Wins
A majority, (90 percent) of Disney’s intended film locations are within lands proposed for wilderness designation by “America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act,” which is currently pending in Congress, Jackson said.

If they are letting a major film production in there, wouldn't that indicate that the land doesn't possess Wilderness quality? Do you think those guys are hiking in there with all their gear on their back and practicing low impact camping? Me thinks not.


somewhat damaged
The BLM anticipates no problems with the public at Fisher Towers, where the recreationists are hikers, Von Koch said.

Oh really? :rolleyes: I'm betting they'll be the ones complaining the most.


Salt Lake
Why do they have to do it over Memorial Day weekend? I think that they should be allowed to film there to bring in revenue to the county, but at some other time. Poor weekend to choose. Disney ought to know this, they have filmed in Utah enough over the years.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
UTAH LANDUSE UPDATE: Swing Arm City OHV Area Temporary Restriction REVISED
Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
A few weeks ago, BRC sent a Landuse Update regarding the temporary closure of the Swing Arm City OHV Area for a large filming operation.
There has been a change in the filming schedule and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has announced the temporary restriction of riding at Swing Arm City OHV area is now going to be June 7 and 8, 2010.
Riders are being asked not to ride in the area during this time to reduce noise during filming. All other roads and trails in the area will remain open for visitor use. Other BLM OHV open areas within the Richfield Field Office, such as Glenwood and Aurora, will also remain open.
For more information, visit or
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact BRC.
Thanks in advance for your support,
Brian Hawthorne
Public Lands Policy Director
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 102

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