movie review: Gone Baby Gone


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Ok. So this is like, Baffleck's directorial debut I guess, so I was kind of like, "Meh" because frankly I'd like to kick him right in that huge-ass chin of his. His dopey face makes me ill.

That said, I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. Excellent acting, decent Boston dialogue, and Michelle Monahan-- who I usually don't like that much but she's down-home cute. Ed Harris is excellent in this, Morgan Freeman is good, but Amy Madigan looks HAMMERED.

Girl goes missing, where can she be? Movie goes along at a good pace, and is at times kind of rough to watch, but pretty enthralling overall.

I give it 673 points, on a 692 point scale. Very much watch this movie.


Provo, Utah.
I was pleased with the style of the film. I watched it on clearplay cause the language was a little rich for my tastes. But impressed.


Vanilla Gorilla
Many times as audience members we are exposed to a movie that plays out just like anything else, we are watching something happen through some magic screen and we feel very much a voyeur. The key to a good movie is showing someone a thing, and then jumping off the screen to screw with the heads of the audience. If you can get someone to consider what is is like to be in the shoes of character then you have successfully made a movie worth watching and inviting others to watch.

Several times I found myself in CAffleck's shoes during those split second, or well thought out decisions. Would I have done what he did in those instances? In the heat of the moment with the adrenaline rushing would I have pulled the trigger, would I have made the call, would I have granted a last minute reprieve? Maybe...but I hope and pray I will never been in a position even remotely similar to those and that....
That is good storytelling.