movie review: WAR


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Latest flick w/Jason Statham and Jet Li.

I thought it was kind of lame. I'll admit to being kind of cranky this week, so it might just not have jived with me, but hey.

Kind of... disjointed story line... and the action was surprisingly lacking, given the 2 leads. I was expecting more kick-ass fighting, but it just wasn't there. Might be why it went to video so fast.

Netflix it if you've got some spare time or something, but don't waste money or bandwidth on it. *shrug*


Vanilla Gorilla
I keep forgetting that I don't get the special features when I download a movie...oh was ok but almost forgettable. The plot twist was one of those really lame moments in motions pictures...they went there...they did it...I found myself not really caring in the end.