Music purchasing sites


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I’m still stuck in MP3 mode for my music. Where do the cool kids buy their music from these days? (I’m missing some stuff that I thought I had backed up to a cloud resource but it seems to have wandered out into the ether)

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Oh Marc, you're so old. The cool kids don't even buy music anymore, they stream it. Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, Google Music, YouTube Red or whatever it is they call it. If I were a cool kid I'd probably know more sites than that, but I'm not.

I use Pandora. I don't buy music very often, but when I do it's from Amazon and they give you free cloud storage so you can DL it to your phone or PC, or just stream it anywhere you've got a cell connection. It works for this old fogey.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Call me old and uncool, I don't care. I don't care for business' that put their political agenda out there. All the streaming music sites seem to have their politics out there and I don't want to give them any dollars. Same goes for artists.... Don't need to hear politics in their songs. Sometimes I don't have a cell connection (and don't want to have one) but would like to listen to the MP3


Registered User
Arm Utah
I've used iTunes, and then Pandora. I'm on Spotify now, but may go back to Pandora. It's the only way I can get enough music to play down at Powell.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member

Call me old and uncool, I don't care. I don't care for business' that put their political agenda out there. All the streaming music sites seem to have their politics out there and I don't want to give them any dollars. Same goes for artists.... Don't need to hear politics in their songs. Sometimes I don't have a cell connection (and don't want to have one) but would like to listen to the MP3

For real though, I think you're stuck with purchasing from one of the 3 overlords, itunes, amazon or google play. I have all OS devices so I just give them more of my money when I want to purchase a song because it auto goes across all my platforms.

Alternatively Gray Whale CD is still around :)

As for spotify you can download content and save it on your phone, I have hours and hours of playlists downloaded. Not sure what that feature costs as i'm just poaching off my sisters family account :p
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes I don't have a cell connection (and don't want to have one) but would like to listen to the MP3
All the paid streaming services let you download music on all your devices so you can play without service. Ive used Amazon Unlimited for 3-4 years now. My family plan is $15/month and allows for 6 total users. So my kids, sister, dad, ex wife all have personal accounts under my plan allowing every user to have their own account.
I still buy music from the artists I like and support but it seems most are only offering Vinyl these days.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I usually listen to the radio but my wife likes mp3s usually finds what she wants on youtube, googles a youtube to mp3 converter site, pastes in the youtube URL and out pops a mp3...


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Buy the cd then rip it to MP3?

This has been (and will continue to be) my personal strategy. I still buy nothing by CDs, and will rip each album to mp3s on my computer. Every one of my vehicles has a USB input on its stereo, so I copy this mp3 collection to a separate thumb drive for each car. Every so often I account for new purchases by bringing the thumb drives into the house and transferring over my recent album acquisitions.

As for when I’m at home, I usually just stream (free) Pandora via my two Alexa devices (one at each end of the house).


Well-Known Member
I haven't listened to music much at all in the last 6 or 7 years. Audiobooks is where it's at for me whether I'm driving a long distance, mountain biking, yard work, etc. When I'm wheelin' I just listen to the sweet sounds of a v8 burble. I had an audible account for a few months, but got sick of paying $15 a month for a book that would usually take me less than a week to listen to. Now I use Libby or Overdrive and "rent" them from the library. Pretty slick.


somewhat damaged
I mostly use pandora still but when I come across something I really like I buy the downloadable via amazon (ugh) or somewhere else and keep it on the phone for those out of range camp trips and such.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I use Google play music... Or youtube music as it appears to have changed to. I download songs to my phone for when I'm off grid, and I don't own anything that isn't bluetooth so it's pretty simple to play and I don't have to keep track of cords or separate storage devices. I had like 80gb in my iTunes account, and I haven't even opened it in probably 7 years. Lots of wasted time compiling, ripping, downloading music right there ha ha


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I am stuck in the CD/LP age. I purchase CDs and copy them in a lossless format onto laptops in my 2 main audio systems. I use Itunes on one of the laptops and Jriver on the other with both outputting by USB to a DACS for playback.