Music Review: BNL Snacktime!


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Snacktime from the Barenaked Ladies is a welcome change to entertaining the munchkins. It features some great songs like the ABC song, you know like, A is for Aisle, B is for Bdellium, C is for Czar, D is for Djinn, E for Euphrides, etc.

I give it 2 thumbs up. :greg: It may have entertained my wife more than my kids, but they enjoyed it also.


Who Dares Wins
Snacktime from the Barenaked Ladies is a welcome change to entertaining the munchkins. It features some great songs like the ABC song, you know like, A is for Aisle, B is for Bdellium, C is for Czar, D is for Djinn, E for Euphrides, etc.

I give it 2 thumbs up. :greg: It may have entertained my wife more than my kids, but they enjoyed it also.

I used to love BNL. Maybe You Should Drive is still one of my favorite albums. But BNL is one of those bands that has continually gotten worse. IMHO Gordon was their best, and each subsequent album has been a little bit worse. By the time they got to Maroon I was wavering. When Everything to Everyone came out, I was done. I haven't listened to any of their new albums, but as I suspected, they've devolved down to making children's music.