Music review: TV On The Radio


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Ok, so a while ago, maybe as long as months, I watched a YouTube video from Seth (Bowers that is), featuring some kick ass music. I asked him what it was and he told me: "TV On The Radio", song was "Wolf Like Me". I loved it and made plans to acquire more of their music.

Well, I didn't until today, because I kept forgetting who the #!(@&# it was. So after listening to all of their stuff, I can comment further.

These guys are a very unique band. Kind of a... postmodern sentimentality to their music, filtered through Fellini movies maybe. Some of it is hard, some of it is not. All of it is sonically interesting and at least to my ear, very interesting. Definitely not like anything else out there, really. Maybe Modest Mouse comes closest in the off-kilter approach they share, but that's ALL. They're nothing like Modest Mouse.

Anyway I totally love this stuff and will have it in heavy rotation for a while. Here's some video to peruse:

The one that started it all, Seth's video from the U4 Spring Trail Ride.

The video for Province

The strange video for I Was A Lover

The anachronistic video for Wolf Like Me