My new strategy for riding fast... WWPD?


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I've developed a strategy to use to help myself ride faster, more aggressively and stand when I would otherwise sit. When I get tired and feel the need to slow down, I just ask myself... "What would Paul do?" Then I stand up, lean forward, open up the throttle and grab a few more gears! So far, so good!



I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
You just cracked me up. It is a good thing you didnt watch me ride this weekend. Taking the whole winter off to let my shoulder heal was not good for conditioning and I felt it this weekend.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Ha ha maybe we can get some stickers made up and put them on top of our fuel tanks for a reminder

Good idea! My wife has a vinyl cutter.... :freak:

You just cracked me up. It is a good thing you didnt watch me ride this weekend. Taking the whole winter off to let my shoulder heal was not good for conditioning and I felt it this weekend.

I'm sure a slow Paul is still 10x faster than me. :rofl: Seriously, after watching your Chimney Rock Enduro video I can't believe how fast you can ride. My problem is that for YEARS I've been a trail rider and I have developed a lot of bad habits that don't work when trying to ride fast. After riding with you the other RME guys that are getting into racing, I'm slowly learning to change those habits and become a better rider.

I was riding in Rabbit Valley yesterday and most of it was tight singletrack with rocky ledges... when we finally got to the dirt road, I rode about as fast as I possibly could, sliding into corners, standing constantly and just being aggressive. I stopped a few miles later and had a nice break waiting for the rest of the group to catch up at our turn. First guy pulls up and says, "You're fast!". Made me laugh... because I'm not. :D