I am not sure about the others, but I don't want to pay another service, just to record shows and have them track every thing I TIVO, remember Janet Jackson’s famous wardrobe failure?? I recall an announcement within moments of that occurring that stated that particular part of the super bowl had been rewound and previewed some several million times.
I don't like people tracking everything that I view, it is bad enough with computers and charge cards tracking you everything, so I would like to keep it to a minimum.
My thoughts on this was I could have a full on home entertainment unit that I could serve up MP3's on the network so that myself, my father, and my kids could all listen to music in their rooms and manage their own music lists on PC's and MP3 players.
I can also dump in 5 300GB HD's and start converting my DVD collection into MPEG4 and have a full on digital DVD library.
Using the Linux route I can add other options such as FTP server so that I can do large file sharing with close friends and relatives.
More options with the DIY than the off the shelf brands, I can also add a DVD +/- r/rw and not be limited to what the off the shelf manufacturer has to sell me.
By building it myself, when things go wrong I can fix it myself, and not have to send it in somewhere, or better yet find out that it is out of warranty and then have to buy another one.
With the TV guide service I can record my shows for later viewing, I can surf the net from my couch if I want to look something up real quick.
And the software is free on the net, and you build it out of off the shelf pc hardware.
Once my friend and I figure out the winning setup, we will both build dual processor units with at least 1GB ram or more.
I think with all the off the shelf DVR's coming out that do not require a monthly pay service Tivo's days are numbered.