Need help from my military brethren past and present


Registered User
I haven't been on here practically at all since Memorial Day because I've been attending a rather intense DOD Course at Ft. Meade, Maryland......missing my LJ really bad...anyway, I need some help from my military brethren for those that might participate. Here's what I'm looking for:

Group A: Current military members

What considerations and reasoning’s are you formulating to whether or not reenlist or to get out.

Group B: Prior service and exited

What was your rationale on exiting the service and did that prove to be true or not

Group C: Current Service members who exited, then came back in (break of service)

What was the rationale of exiting, was your rationale valid once you exited, and what was the reasoning of why you came back in.

If you could send any comments to or just post up here, maybe you'll have an impact of someone else whether it be exiting or reenlisting. Also if you could label which group you fall under. Thanks...Hooah!


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
group B... I got to the point where due to two knee surgery and two shoulder surgery (one of each due to military) that I could not pass my physical fitness test and didnt want to get a profile to get around it. so after 24 yrs I just decided it was time to retire...


Group B...EX-Navy. Broke leg during BUD/s and lost my billet, after healing was transferred to an aircraft carrier, volunteered for Desert Shield/Storm as a medic with Lima 2/5. After the war went back to the ship. Was going to re-enlist but would have had to spend another 4 years minimum on a at sea ship. Said no thanks. Exited.


Boise Idaho
you're a great American, thanks for serving. Only you can decide about staying in or not. I'm driven strongly by patriotism but i'll be honest, the retirement is a great reason to stay in for 20.

I've been army national guard, army active duty and army reserve (presently). was enlisted in the nat guard and went active duty. I liked active duty but in 7 years was overseas 5.5 of it (Germany, korea, middle east). was burnt out so I left. I don't regret leaving active duty as the air defense branch was full of toxic, unethical, and just plain crazy leaders.
I enjoy the army reserve but it has its disadvantages. Since joining I've been mobilized 42 months in 12 years. I don't see the politics and favoritism in the reserve like you see in the guard. in fact I've recruited a lot of officers and senior NCOs that were shed off from the guard and those guys promote and thrive in the reserve.
bad part about the reserve though is it lacks strong leaders everywhere. People are way too relaxed and complacent.
been in 26 years now. was going to retire but got promoted again. I guess you look at the retirement pay and decide if staying in 3 more years is worth it. in my case it was worth staying. serving is a double edge sword- I have to commute to California to drill and it's expensive to do it, tremendous drain on my time during the week that I don't get paid for. but when that national anthem plays and I see that flag go up-it's a reason to stay in, and that's that.
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