need some quick, easy welding and a tube with two bends....


DD for Life
Southern Utah
Hey guys, hopefully this is the right forum...I never know where to put odds-n-ends type posts that I come up

So I have a used ARB bullbar i picked up that needs to be blasted and powder coated. So I figured before I'd take it in, I'd like to have a couple things fixed up on it real quick. It needs a couple quick inch or so long welds in one spot that's real easy to get to on the front--should take all of 5 mins or so. But also want to add a tube on the top of it (see pics). Need two sharpish bends (aka small, tight radius) in it and then need it welded up to the bar.

I could also use a couple welds to my rear bumper to add a couple triangulated strengthening bars/plates to it.

My guess is this should take a max of 1 hour if you're good. :P (But what do I know?--this is just a quick estimate and your estimate will be what we plan for and I will pay you for real time or whatever... :D )

I'm down in Provo and will be taking it to Utah Powder Coatings so I'm hoping someone in the close vicinity can possibly help me out with these couple bends and small welds. I am leaving for a trip on Friday the 23rd so pumpin this out the sooner will be better cause i need to have it blasted and powder coated still.

PM me or post up.





Idea images:



Something in the neighborhood or 1-1/4" to 1-1/2". If somebody has a wee extra laying around they wanna bend and sell...all the better. :D

(BTW, just wanted to mention that that is *not* me posing some sweet flex up on that brick....)

When you say flatten, do you mean something like what happened to the bends in the bar in the last pic I posted above? Those bends were not actually bent by a bender...they were just kinda mashed by a press. I actually prefer a kinked type of bend over an arc. (I am open to ideas here btw as I'm not familiar with tube bending at all.)

Also, I seem to be in SLC area just about every other day these days so I could prob do it up there as well.

When you say flatten, do you mean something like what happened to the bends in the bar in the last pic I posted above? Those bends were not actually bent by a bender...they were just kinda mashed by a press. I actually prefer a kinked type of bend over an arc. (I am open to ideas here btw as I'm not familiar with tube bending at all.)

Also, I seem to be in SLC area just about every other day these days so I could prob do it up there as well.


A hydraulic tube bender will not kink (thats what I have). The flattening is due to the size of the tube not fitting snug in the die. I do live in the SLC area. just let me know
Thanks for all the replies. I ended up stopping by UPC and speaking at length with Marshall. Great guy. Spent a good bit of time going over the bar and a few other things I'd like to have done.
