Net Neutrality is dead

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
This isn't over - it's got to get past Congress (it probably will), and then it's got to survive a plethora of lawsuits.

But yeah, if it goes through, it'll be a disaster on the order of Citizens United.


somewhat damaged
It wouldn't be bad if ISP's weren't de facto monopolies. That's a 'regulation' that should be axed.

But also, I'm not worried. People always find away to get around these types of things. This will bring new light to the dark-net, possibly.


El Destructo!
I dont understand why everyone wants to give the .gov control of the internet and call it freedom

The old system created the internet as we know it, this is a step in the right direction for a change


Vanilla Gorilla
I dont understand why everyone wants to give the .gov control of the internet and call it freedom

The old system created the internet as we know it, this is a step in the right direction for a change

...and what direction do you see the internet stepping?


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
...and what direction do you see the internet stepping?

More rules, more regulations, less creativity, less mom and pop and more corporate overlord. Closer to 1984 :spork: :spork:

Honestly it doesn't matter if net neutrality is law or not it's going that direction with or without it. I'm waiting for additional censorship and groupthink that governement is more than willing to do.


El Destructo!
Do you understand that the recent move is to de-regulate? This means less rules, less regulations, and consumer demand driven service

At the end of the day do you want the .gov to do to the internet what they did with the cost of health care insurance?

Remember government is the problem not the solution. A thought from a deplorable from long ago "the govenrment that governs least governs best"


somewhat damaged
Do you understand that the recent move is to de-regulate? This means less rules, less regulations, and consumer demand driven service

At the end of the day do you want the .gov to do to the internet what they did with the cost of health care insurance?

Remember government is the problem not the solution. A thought from a deplorable from long ago "the govenrment that governs least governs best"

I agree, but currently govt has also practically turned the provider market into a monopoly with other regulations which were likely written by the big telecoms and Comcast. Let’s get rid of that too.


El Destructo!
Ok, I am always for less .gov

Just curious, you say the provider market has been turned into a monopoly by regulation, can you point me in the direction of any of those regulations?
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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Deregulation sounds awesome in theory. But the devil is always in the details of actual application. Which generally has little resemblance to the theory. Deregulation of banks and financial services didn't work out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details. Deregulation of telecom hasn't worked out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details.

Deregulation is just a word. A misleading word. There will still be regulation. It will just be re-written to be more relaxed in certain areas. Typically, the new more relaxed regs will be largely influenced, if not outright written by, lawyers for the industry or companies being effected.

It's just putting the fox in charge of the hen house and giving it a name that free market folks reflexively support.

If should be called "New rules for internet traffic routing written by those who stand to gain the most from these changes".


ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Deregulation sounds awesome in theory. But the devil is always in the details of actual application. Which generally has little resemblance to the theory. Deregulation of banks and financial services didn't work out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details. Deregulation of telecom hasn't worked out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details.

Deregulation is just a word. A misleading word. There will still be regulation. It will just be re-written to be more relaxed in certain areas. Typically, the new more relaxed regs will be largely influenced, if not outright written by, lawyers for the industry or companies being effected.

It's just putting the fox in charge of the hen house and giving it a name that free market folks reflexively support.

If should be called "New rules for internet traffic routing written by those who stand to gain the most from these changes".


Could the rules from 2015 that this is replacing have the same name then? That's what happened before.


El Destructo!
Deregulation sounds awesome in theory. But the devil is always in the details of actual application. Which generally has little resemblance to the theory. Deregulation of banks and financial services didn't work out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details. Deregulation of telecom hasn't worked out so good, in my opinion. Because of the details.

Deregulation is just a word. A misleading word. There will still be regulation. It will just be re-written to be more relaxed in certain areas. Typically, the new more relaxed regs will be largely influenced, if not outright written by, lawyers for the industry or companies being effected.

It's just putting the fox in charge of the hen house and giving it a name that free market folks reflexively support.

If should be called "New rules for internet traffic routing written by those who stand to gain the most from these changes".


Deregulation is even more awesome in practice. Stop accepting the partial delivery, it's only misleading if you let someone change the meaning.

just because I know more than a little about bank regulations, I am curious to hear how you think deregulation of banks turned out poorly?


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Aww, poor Netflix.
Netflix has solutions for ISPs that are concerned about bandwidth. Basically all they have to do is host one of the openconnect devices and traffic leaving your ISP for Netflix is minimized.

Now if the discussion turns to why would a cable provider like Comcast want to host a device from a possible competitor then this isn't really a net neutrality discussion, nothing in net neutrality says you have to host competitors equipment, if Comcast wanted to force everyone to connect to a Netflix provider forcing traffic to leave Comcast's network that's up to them. It's interesting that Comcast now offers plans with Netflix.