New .17 Rimfire Cartridge

You order one yet?

No, not yet :D

Neat concept, but don't know what I'd use it for, really. Have to see what rifles it ends up being chambered in. I have a bad habit of letting sexy rifles follow me home whether I know what I'm going to use them for or not :rofl:.

No, not yet :D

Neat concept, but don't know what I'd use it for, really. Have to see what rifles it ends up being chambered in. I have a bad habit of letting sexy rifles follow me home whether I know what I'm going to use them for or not :rofl:.


I'm with you there. It is a little faster than my "varmint" rifle, but I'm pretty invested in that .223 by now (was going to buy a .223 bolt rifle in Nov. and now I wish I had)

My boys have .22 rifles now. I was kind of considering buying a "premium" .22 but I think I'll wait a while and see what deals pop up.