New Business Venture, need CAD work


Hey guys, I'm hoping that one of you can help me out.

Long story short: My partners at StealthGearUSA offered to buy me out and didn't make any other options look as attractive so I'm now starting a new business called TacWare. It is actually something that I've been working on for almost a year as a division of StealthGear and I got it as a separate entity in the buy-out. I started it because I designed some better polymer belt clips for SGUSA holsters and wanted to make them available to other holster manufacturers as well.

I have 3 great belt clips at the moment (molds to injection mold them and all rights to the sales of them) and I'd like to have some others made as well. I have some ideas that I'm fine tuning but will need some CAD work done once I get the designs finished. I'd love to get started on at least one of the 2 in about 2-3 weeks. On the last ones, it was a bit of a process to design them and then get a 3-d printed prototype, then tweak it and get a new 3-d prototype... These should be a little easier. I have the .igs files from the last ones as a starting point. (I'm assuming that will help but I could be wrong.)

Anybody want a side gig? If it works out, I'll likely have more that I'll do this next year as well.

Feel free to check out my website I'm still working on a logo and will be updating the website as well in the next couple of weeks. It's pretty basic for now.

Thanks guys,

Edit: I just realized that this should maybe be in the side-jobs thread. Feel free to move it if needed.
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I might be able to help, got a picture of what kind of stuff needs to be modeled or anything? I use SolidWorks.