Newbie - rover guy too


Registered User
John here.

Live in Colorado, but hit utah when I can. Mainly play on the eastern half, Moab, Glen Canyon, Vernal.

Usually we with the family in conjuction with camping trips. We like multi day runs. Looking to do Hole in the rock during spring break while everyone else is in Moab.

89 Range Rover
No cup holders.


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Welcome, and thank you for the properly formatted introduction. We usually have to remind people to post pics. What do you have against cup holders?
RockMonkey said:
Welcome, and thank you for the properly formatted introduction. We usually have to remind people to post pics. What do you have against cup holders?

it's an anti stereotyping comment..

you know the lines about rover's only being used for starbucks runs!
YES!! Finally another Rover guy!!

89 is a good year for the Rangie :D

But mine has cupholders!