No Country for old men


No Country for old men

It was a very good movie, but there was no cookie cutter on set so if you need your movies by the number do not go see this.

There were no car chases, I was never once on the edge of my seat, there was never any blaring music telling me when I should be in suspense (in fact I don't recall any music), there are long periods of complete silence (if that makes you uncomfortable you'll be in pain) and even at 122minutes I never ONCE wondered what time it was. That's not to say that there isn't a lot of violence and some pure evil...

It did have some awesome cinematography and a very well thought out story that you will still be digesting the next day. Be forewarned, at the end of the movie it just ends.

It's a rare treat to get a movie where you don't know what's going to happen from start to finish.

Jen, it's not a western, so you can go see it with GOAT

Edit: I just remembered at one point a Mariachi band plays a bit.


Looks like it's playing in theaters with 10 or more screens. Are you moved yet? It's playing at Jordan Commons....


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I saw it last night. I thought it was well made but I'm a little confused. I may have missed something.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
well, I see the is/was play on morality represented by the two characters tracking Luellyn (the killer and the sherriff) and the lack of realization towards the extent that the 2 groups (texans and cartel) are dedicated to their completely independent sets of values and morals. But I don't think thats it.

Is there a larger picture I'm missing? Is this trying to apply a message about our society or should I write it off as just a movie? Are they saying we vastly underestimate the dedication to the divergent set of values that have been adopted/socialized by the drug cartels and perhaps don't realize that we aren't operating on a level playing field until it's too late?

Are they trying to play on our judgments as being commercialized and we don't want to believe that our way of doing things is overmatched when compared to theirs....that we can't apply our brand of justice to their brand of morality......

I guess I'm just used to not having to think through a movie and I want the message hand fed to me.

maybe I'm stretching a little too far.

edit: OK, I think I just explained to myself the meaning in the title. A 'country' is generally an area composed of similar people--people witha common bond be it culture, physical similarities, ethics/morals. So people like the Sherrif have no country anymore since their brand of doing things and their outdated set of ethics are no longer common in the real world having been replaced by a faster paced, more ruthless and impatient brand set of values.
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I don't think there is really a "message" it's just a good story, which is probably why I like movies like this.... I get tired of being told how I should think.

You're right on the title.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I have to think there is a message or else the filmmakers wouldn't have intentionally ended the movie in a way to encourage more thought. The Coen brothers are pretty clever dudes


Vanilla Gorilla
edit: OK, I think I just explained to myself the meaning in the title. A 'country' is generally an area composed of similar people--people witha common bond be it culture, physical similarities, ethics/morals. So people like the Sherrif have no country anymore since their brand of doing things and their outdated set of ethics are no longer common in the real world having been replaced by a faster paced, more ruthless and impatient brand set of values.

That is the gist of what I got out of the movie. I "acquired" it the other day and gave it a watch and was pleasantly surprised at what I ended up with. I wasn't aware that is was a cohen...coen...whatever...I wasn't aware that it was made by those fellows until I looked it up on IMDB after watching the movie.

The cinematography was FANTASTIC in this movie, you couldn't have asked for anything more! Every once in a while I like to watch movies that are nice and pre digested but it is also nice to get a movie that I have to work on mentally and emotionally to fully comprehend. I can't wait for the sequel because I know how much hollywood likes sequels!! It will probably be directed by the guy that did that one national lampoons movie with lots of boobs in it.


I have to think there is a message or else the filmmakers wouldn't have intentionally ended the movie in a way to encourage more thought. The Coen brothers are pretty clever dudes

For me their movies don't ever have a message, they do make you think up your own message though.


Backroad Adventurer
I saw this last week, I'm one to normally avoid such a violent film. It is fairly unpredictable at least right up to the traffic accident near the end, I saw that coming for blocks, just couldn't tell after wich block it was coming and what happens next puts you right back at unpredictable. And it does leave you with your thoughts, quite a bit of thoughts. Meat did a good summation of the film too. The motto I got out of it went something like, live by the gun - die by the high pressure bolt to the brain cattle dispatcher thingy.