NOT a land use issue! But very Interesting

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
I've been hearing & reading a lot about the Range Creek site. It's amazing that it's been kept quiet for so long. Something will have to be done to protect it now though. The MSN article even said that some artifacts have been taken and/or disturbed by hikers already.

Oh yeah, I disagree that it isn't a land use issue. This is most definitely a land use issue. It could even have a direct bearing on the 4x4 community as well. I understand that the back way in & out of the canyon is a very narrow & steep 4x4 road that zig zags right up the side of the canyon. It's supposed to be a lot like many of the roads around Moab used to be where you drive up one leg & then back up the next leg because the turns are too sharp for a vehicle to make them any other way. I'll be content for this one to remain closed to the general public though.