Nuclear Plant in So. Utah


Registered User
Salt Lake City
I think the proposal of this might be good to look at. I would totally steer away the WAG's from the small, insignificant issues for something like Nuclear Power Plant.


total tacoma points: 162
i guess thats one way to look at it. my only concern is the fact that we are trying to keep other people from dumping thier nuclear waiste in our back yards. how does the waiste from a modern power plant differ from the waiste we are trying to keep out of our state.
If the state gets a cut of the revenue, then why not store waste here? They're already storing low-level radioactive waste in Utah. Might as well take the money to store the real bad stuff.

I toured the Nevada Test Site (where nukes were tested until early 1990, surrounds Area 51, and the site of the proposed Yucca Mountain storage facility) a couple years back, and the DOE rep made an interesting comment. He said there's far more radioactive material lying on the ground at the NTS than they could ever put in Yucca mountain.

Don't be misled by anti-nuke groups. It's the safest, cleanest, most economical source of electricity available today. I'd much rather live by a nuke plant that was able to contain it's own waste than live by a coal plant that dumped tons of junk into the air every day.


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
I was under the impression that the waste would be sealed into some of the null uranium mines? Isnt the Uranium unused waste to begin with? lol


Registered User
some of the newer reactors actually produce more fuel then they consume, the convert U-238 to Pu-239 then consume the pu-239. they really are efficient and the net waste, once every 2 years having to change the fuel rods. I could live with that, they are so heavily regulated by the feds...


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I've always felt that nuclear energy is the best way to go right now. It really produces very little waste, and is much safer than any other form of power that is being widely used today. Especially here in Utah we have so much wide open area you could put a nulcear plant (or three) faaaar away from any population. It astounds me that "environmetalists" don't support nuclear power when we're currently burning fossil fuels to power our state. A nuclear plant puts ZERO POLLUTANTS into the air! I believe the only reason we do not have more widespread use of nuclear power is because it shares a name with the nuclear bomb. If they called it fission power in the very beginning we would probably be running on it today.

Is this actually being proposed, or is this just wild speculation?


Registered User
Salt Lake City
They are actually looking at it for a site in Southern Utah. I think it would be a great source of energy. I could put some of the coal mines out of work, but they would or could be hired elsewhere.
Dare I would or could actual fuel the Serria club to continue to look for the draining of Lake Powell. Why have hydro when we have Nuclear??
Ya never know??
RockMonkey said:
If they called it fission power in the very beginning we would probably be running on it today.

Is this actually being proposed, or is this just wild speculation?

In a great Simpsons episode, Mr. Burns is doing an interview and he says, "we don't like to call it a meltdown, we like to refer to it as an unwanted fission excess." Great spin.

Just chatting about the topic here. Due to all the red tape and massive initial investment, it's almost impossible to get a plant built these days. There are several unfinished plants around the country.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
scoutabout said:
..........Just chatting about the topic here. Due to all the red tape and massive initial investment, it's almost impossible to get a plant built these days. There are several unfinished plants around the country.

and to take it off topic.......... Tough to get a refinery built nowadays?


total tacoma points: 162
to take it farther off topic.....its tuff to get anything built these days.

i think it would be a good idea to start putting some nuclear plants in. i agree with the monkey, people wouldnt be so afraid of nuclear power if it didnt share a name with the most horrific weapon mankind has ever developed.


Registered User
You got to remember that to the environmentalist crowd even living is almost too much strain on the environment. They want to drain Lake Powell, a zero pollution energey source and just say 'concerve' and at the same time push for electric cars that you plug into to recharge, thus using electricity from somewhere.

Can't see them having anything less then a full blown hissy fit over a nuclear plant in Utah,


Registered User
More Off Topic...
The windmill problem in Spanish Fork.... So what is a clean renewable resource that people like?


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I think people would be a lot less afraid of nuclear power if say, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl hadnt' happened. Frankly, nuclear accidents are freakin' scary things.
However, I like nuclear power. They should put a plant in the middle of nowhere out here... like that kind of weird, empty area in the northwestern part of UT, near Bonneville LOL YES I know there's all kinds of neat things to go explore, but you know what I mean.

I like windmills too. They are a lot prettier than strip mines. They should put some of those out in the field to the west of my house! but then it would block the view of all the beautiful ammunition bunkers that stretch out to Grantsville. BOO HOO. We get like, trillion mile per hour wind, consistently. I would think some windmills across the pass between here and Stockton would produce some good power.


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
Three mile island-A great example of a containment, everything worked perfectly, no one was killed or even hurt. Everything was contained and it helped to further the issue of safety with Nuclear Power.

Chernobyl a great example of what happens when you shut down every back up saftey device that was installed and then play with the system. They turned off the emergency cooling system and then ran tests using a third of the amount of rods they were supposed to use and then wonder why something went wrong.

The problem is uninformed public that doesn't know what happened. Lets look at how many deaths occur a year at the coal mines and compare it to how many deaths occur at Nuclear facilities every year. In the past century over 60,000 people died just in the United States.

I shouldn't have even started to get involved in this conversation. :rolleyes:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
keeps MY blood pressure down. hahaha

Windmills are a no brainer where they can be used profitably, and by that I mean, where they will generate some friggin' electricity. I am going to start pushing for some here. Wind cartwheeled a flippin' HOOD down the lawn the other night... that's GOT to be worth some Kw.

Mead, WA
Sacramento Utility (SMUD) built a nuclear plant outside of town. Nice one too! Since they had so much land around it, they turned their water storage into a lake to swim and boat in. Then put some picnic tables in and called it a park. Well, the park then goers got the plant shut down after about 2 years. Can't be safe to swim in that water! That cost SMUD billions of dollars. Not only did they eat the cost of the plant, but then they have to pay to clean up all the unspent rods. :rolleyes:

I was, and still am, all for nuclear power. Like others said, it's cheap, very efficient, clean, quiet, low maintenance, etc. Our electric bills in Sacramento were very low. To cool (74*) a 2800 sqft house in the 100* summer heat cost me less than it does to cool my 1800 sqft house here in our 80* summer heat. My house here also has 6" walls, newer, and etc!