Old movie review: The Indian Runner


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Yeah, it's old: from '91. This is Sean Penn's writing and directing debut, so I set my sights low... features David Morse, Viggo Mortensen, freakin' Charles Bronson, and Patricia Arquette. Big frick.

Story is about a small-town cop and his returning, no-good Vietnam vet brother. You can probably guess how this is going to go, but you probably wouldn't guess how flippin' long Sean Effing Penn can make a small movie like this. Not much point to it.

Bad seed doesn't have a change of heart, it's not a happy movie, the acting is ok, but the dialog is crappy, the message is lame and noncomittal.

I'll put it to you this way: I had kind of forgotten about Sean Penn, but watching this POS movie of his made me think about his punk ass again, and that made me angry, because then I started thinking about what an absolute b***h he is, and then I was just disgusted with big Hollywood, and I got all sullen, which put the cat in an off-putting stance.

Just avoid it. Frig, it's older than dirt anyway.

I will, however, award it 86 points for a fine, fine Valeria Golino as the small town cop's hot Hispanic wife. I wonder what happened to her.