Ophir area trails access


Registered User
There is a very interesting article in the June 1 Tooele Transcript Bulletin (unfortunately not on the web site so I can't link it) about private land owners wanting to block off trail access, foot, ATV and assume vehicle, to alot of areas in the Ophir area (esp Soldier Canyon-Jacob City). Sounds like alot of the actual land is BLM but access is across private.

Typical complaints, mostly by one or two land owners (Leo Ault being most vocal), about off-trail driving, damaged fences etc etc. Personally the degree of damgae he claims I find hard to swallow, bit once again shows the problems caused by irresponsible land users.


It's been by permission only for as long as I remember. I know the Aults, Ray Ault owned a HUGE amount of that mountain.... They used to be pretty liberal with people, but people keep abusing it. The thing that really started moving things quickly in this direction was when the Lewis gang took over one of the cabins thinking they were going to run an outfiter business, even though IIRC they own 0 land in Ophir and rent most of what they have in West Canyon. They totally destroyed the most awesome cabin in Ophir and damaged another... they got turned into the owner of the cabin... why? because they didn't have permission to do any of it.


Registered User
Ophir and access

I'll toss in what I can here. As to Leo and Julie being the most vocal, it’s because they own most of the land up there, there is very little BLM. Jacob City up to the Kennecott property over the hill is owned by the Ault’s. Also, a lot of Ophir, up Lion Hill, and quite a few stretches over in to the old Mercur site are owned by the Ault’s as well. They have been very lenient in access to most all of the sites, but it is as bad as they say and worse. GRE has done two major cleanups in Jacob city - Fences run over, trash dumped (like washing machines and rolls of carpet etc...) and its still in crap condition. The Ault’s also faced serious litigation in the 90s when that ignorant scout leader decided to send all his little scouts into a mine when he had no idea how to explore it safely. In that case what could have been a great learning experience turned into a near tragedy. OGM came in and closed the site without permission, it has since been dug into and reopened, but it is very unsafe in the entrance now as the digging has been done by hand by people who are not miners and don’t know how to correctly shore or set up the area.
Other sites owned by the Ault’s are the "Green Eyed Monster" cave, the 7 gold mines up on the ridge between Silverado and Mercur. And a lot of the land up and around the lion hill area. Even right in town, people have come up and broken windows and stolen property out of the mine equipment houses.
They also haven’t had a lot of support in doing any trail work or much respect shown for the sites that are left out there. A lot of the access roads to Jacob City have fallen into disrepair since the "reclamation" out there. No mines, no need to maintain the roads.
Additionally the EPA has come in and forced “Eureka-like" repairs on some of the tailing piles in the center of town. Julie and her family sent out quite a few informational bits on this looking to help stop the EPA from doing unnecessary and damaging work on her property, however, she said that no one, aside from GRE Inc. had any interest in trying to help.
As of now, there is a developer who is looking to open up one of the canyons into 500k-1.5mil housing, if this happens the town will be pretty much dead as a ghost town and will become a yuppie-ville.
The rest of the mines will be closed and there will be no trails out there, only no trespassing signs put up by people who can afford to enforce them.
From my point of view, it basically comes down to the same battle that U4WDA has been fighting, there is a lot of work to be done, however, no one wants to do anything until it directly affects their recreation, and at that point, most really don’t want to do anything except for whine a little bit about how they don’t have access to trails that used to be open.
Sorry about the rant… anyway, GRE has carte blanche on the trails and mines in Ophir canyon, Jacob City and any other property that is Ault owned. If you have a trail that you would like to hit, let me know, I would be happy to arrange a time to go up with you. We are heading up there on July 2nd to do some photo-documentation, if you’re interested in coming along, shoot out an email and I can link you to the details…
Hope that was at least a little helpful… feel free to disregard my rant… :D


Mead, WA
It's sad they are going to shut it down, not that I have been up there (or even know where it is), but I can understand where they are coming from 100%. Being someone kind of in the same situation in the past, they have every right to stop people from accessing BLM land through their property. They will have to fight to keep their land closed, and it might take years to complete, but they can do it if they set their hearts to it.

My family owns the top third, 360,000 acres, of a mountain in California. Some hiking group was trying to make us (and other land owners in the area) give them access to part of the ridge north of our property, which was BLM, and also has several radio/tv/telephone antennaes. They tried to have it re zoned as 'wild and scenic'. If it wasn't for my dad, they would have done it. Not that he was an expert, but he learned and finally figured out the land didn't qualify, proved it to the BLM and got their re zoning overturned. Now he's on the county parks committee. :D


Sandy, Ut
I have alot of repsect for private property rights, but when historic access to public lands is in jeapordy... I take issue. Thats what you get when you own public land... you can't prevent people from walking on your driveway to access a sidewalk, ROW's and easements exit all over and without them over zealous landowners would have many of our favorite wheeling spots locked up.

That being said, there isn't alot of public land above the Ault propery as Corey highlighted... and the damage to their property is heinous.

Many of these private landowners got this property through patented mine claims, meaning it was public land that they inherited for little cost.

I talked with an old miner in Ophir when we were there the other day (he owns a mine right in the middle of town right up against the South cliff face, blows COLD air year round). He told us about Ophir plans to make it the next "Park City"... there was a .09 acre lot with decent house selling for $300k :eek:


Registered User
cruiseroutfit said:
I have alot of repsect for private property rights, but when historic access to public lands is in jeapordy... I take issue.

I think this is the biggest issue to the general public. If a road/trail has been open for years across private land, it usually cannot be closed off. In most cases seven years of use creates a right of way (at least with some in-city issues we dealt with at work.)

Does anyone here know how the law does apply to roads such as these?

The damage of course should not be tolerates and it is embarrassing that people do the damage they do. It is obviously unaccpetable to thinking types to damage gates or fences or dump your junk on someone's land (or public land of course).


Sandy, Ut
Houndoc said:
I think this is the biggest issue to the general public. If a road/trail has been open for years across private land, it usually cannot be closed off. In most cases seven years of use creates a right of way (at least with some in-city issues we dealt with at work.)...

Actually... that law just means ALOT of $$$ must be spent to take the case to court and try and establish the ROW... sadly many trails are lost that could be saved with money...


Registered User
cruiseroutfit said:
Actually... that law just means ALOT of $$$ must be spent to take the case to court and try and establish the ROW... sadly many trails are lost that could be saved with money...



Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I have just heard that the county is looking for people to sign affidavits detailing when they have visited Jacob City, to establish that the road has NOT been closed for the last 10 years. I'm attempting to verify that, and when I get more information, I'll post it.

Everyone who's been up there needs to get involved...


Sandy, Ut
Tacoma said:
I have just heard that the county is looking for people to sign affidavits detailing when they have visited Jacob City, to establish that the road has NOT been closed for the last 10 years. I'm attempting to verify that, and when I get more information, I'll post it.

Everyone who's been up there needs to get involved...

Thats the 10yr State Statute they are trying to push... basically if a road is legally open for 10+ years to public use, it has to stay open unless it goes through a closure process... I have posted a writeup on the law here somewhere... BYU closes all the roads on their campus once every year? Or every couple years to keep them from becoming public ROW's


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I have never seen a gate, chain, or any other type of impediment to motor vehicles on the road to Jacob City. Can't speak for the Ophir area.