Ophir mines in Utah may be the next to go...


Registered User
Hey All,
I was just informed by Julie, who is our resident expert on Ophir (UTAH), that the EPA has decided to cover all of the mine dumps out at Ophir as a result of a soil test. Most likely a similar operation as what was done at Eureka (UTAH). Im sure that the dumps are only the first step and next will be mine closures and the leveling of any remaining structures. She is looking for someone who can do an independant soil analysis that would stand up to the EPA analysis. Or for someone who may have any ideas on how to stop this process before it starts. If you can help or know anyone who can offer assistance, please let me know and I will pass the info on. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Corey T. Shuman
Gold Rush Expeditions
Proud Sponsor of the UGTMPG


Sandy, Ut
Are you sure that the mines are in deed safe? Safe enough to be inside, etc?

BTW, I would love to check out the UGTMPG, do you charge to check it out? :rofl:


Active Member
Sandy, UT
Overturning an EPA soil test would be difficult. They are usually looking at pH, acid potential and metals. The nature of the geology and residual products and tailings make nearly any mine site eligable for "closure" due to metals concentrations and acid potential. This is usually done by encapsulation by placing a cap over the waste in place or moving it to an engineered repository. The structures may have historic value and be saved if constructed prior to 1951. Any portals will easily fall victim to closure since people can't seem to stay out of underground works. Is the site on public lands?

If you have test results, I would be happy to look at them.
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