Passion about landuse - Chat


Sandy, Ut
Recently a comment was directed at me in regards to my passion for keeping trails open.

You folks kill me. Why don't you agree to disagree. You write stuff such as "I respect your opinion" but then you post thread after thread after thread trying to convince someone that your view is the only correct view. Face it there are three or four folks on this board that no matter what is said are always right in their minds, will attempt to counter any comment to the contrary of their views, that will attempt to gang up on any who speaks against them, that are so closed minded to "honestly" take someone elses opinion for "true" consideration, that it completely detracts from the orginal intent of the thread. I've written my letter in support of what I feel is best for "all" members of the wheeling community, mostly but not all of option A.

To which I reply:

I'm sorry that my passion for keeping trails open bleeds through into my posts, but it happens. I agree to disagree with on a regular basis when it comes to landuse, being vocal about my opinion is just that.

I try and keep it civil, and I try and keep my comments focused and my personal agendas out of the conversation at hand, but it is hard. I am young, I am relatively new to the sport (in respect to those that have been wheeling for 30+ years), but it is a part of my life.

I will admit that I have a hard time taking "suggestions" (I use that term loosely) from those that I have never seen at a BLM planning meeting, Forest Service or BLM cleanup, land use rally at the capitol, etc... but it is hard. I try my hardest to take every opionion in the same light.

We (speaking on behalf of the U4WDA) know we could and should do a better job, but we are operating on a skeleton crew and need more help just to keep up with the day to day functions... Mabey the 20+ hours a month I put into the U4WDA make my attitude a little dry as well? I mean it is hard to get "constructive critisism" from those that can't spend a couple hours to come help us out, you know what I mean?

This thread is in no way to point fingers or to say "I'm right, your wrong" (but afterall, what is an opinion worth if you don't beleive in it?)... rather a way to explain my seemingly course attitude towards those that tell me to "agree to disagree"



Sandy, Ut
The other banter from the thread (as to delete it from the hi-jacked post):

Just like I said...................BTW, I'm more involved than you think, in more ways...probably........than even possibly you.

Really? Do explain... Mabey we can get a trophy for the winner ;)

Yes, imagine that, one could be involved even if they are not a member of the U4WDA.

I have never said that is the only way to be involved... you chose to read it that way, showing your lack of tolerance for the opinions of others... You want to be the pot or the kettle?

...Nothing against them at all, just my choice. But I'm sure now, the select few will want to hammer this issue as well until it's dead so to reinterate, "put it aside" and stick to the issue, that is if you can.

Put what aside and stick to what issue? I don't get sidetracked when I argue over dismal things on the internet, rather I get energized... Put aside the fact you have an opinion about the opinions of others?



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

mbryson speaking as mbryson said:
I think I know where you stand and even if I don't agree totally with everything you do, I know I agree at least 90%. I'd like to hear the other side of the story as well.

mbryson speaking as an RME moderator said:
Civil-logical debate is always welcome.


Sandy, Ut
mbryson said:
.. I'd like to hear the other side of the story as well.

Civil-logical debate is always welcome.

I truly like to hear the other side of the debate too, and in many cases it has helped shaped my opinion too. I have merged my beleifs in regards to alot of things based soley on the opinions of others... :cool:


Sandy, Ut
Another thought (I really should be doing my homework or working ;))...

"Agree to disagree"...

Should we agree to disagree with SUWA? Sierra Club? SOC?

I think NOT!


Cedar Hills
What is there to disagree about? What trails to save? Which trail projects to do? How to be a good 4X community citizen?

We are all after the same thing and no matter what flag you fly the battle is shared by all of us. We are under very real attack from Logan to Kanab and every mile of dirt road or trail is at risk. This is not a "sky is falling" scenario here folks, but a real battle. If you doubt that SUWA and the other members of the Green Machine have the money and influence to close all of your offroad access, it's time to wake up and smell the MasterLock.
They are entrenched in every agency and political group known and are organized and tenacious. U4 does not have all the answers, but they are trying to present a united front for 4wheelers to stand with our other brothers in the ATV, Dirtbike, Mountain bike and snowmobile circles to get the masses educated and organized. FS and BLM budgets and continually slashed and the easy answer to trail management is to close them down.
Many people here spend countless hours on the phone, writing letters, going to meetings and manual labor on the ground to TRY and make a difference. If you do this in your own way then you are on the right team and I applaud your efforts. We need more soldiers in the battle to make a difference and I for one think it's a fight worth fighting. Does anyone agree with that?



like the "sam-itch"
North Dakota
Kurt , I would like to "Thank You" and the crew you are envoled with, you have do alot that I've have seen with the short time I've been on this site.

keep up the great work,and I'll be there to help any time that I can.


Sandy, Ut
PBandCJ said:
Kurt , I would like to "Thank You" and the crew you are envoled with, you have do alot that I've have seen with the short time I've been on this site.

keep up the great work,and I'll be there to help any time that I can.

Thanks... :)

It is amazing how much can get done with some helping hands... we made quick work of that fence up AF, that would have taken a couple guys a full day if not more :cool:


Sandy, Ut
PBandCJ said:
And the place looks great too with the fence up and trash removed

Yes sir, Steve Jackson (scoutabout) and his club (Utah Outdoors and Offrad Club) did a canyon wide cleanup a couple of weeks later... they hauled out a TON of trash. We were assigned the Mary Ellen Gulch trail for the day.. it was remarkably clean, but we did find some junk. That canyon has really come full circle over the past summer :D
It brings tears to my eyes to see so many people helping out in so many ways.

Alan, great comments.

Kurt, thanks for everything you do.

For everyone who's not sure how to help, U4WDA is one way to get involved.

Come to a meeting and volunteer your time. U4WDA meetings are the last Thursday of every month at 6:30PM at Larry H Miller Jeep Store (10905 South AutoDrive Mall) in Sandy. Just go to the upstairs meeting room.

For those who don't have enough time to volunteer, you can still help.

Join U4WDA. It's only $10 and you get tons of great benefits! It's a no-brainer.

Sign up online now!

Now that you've joined U4WDA, join USA-ALL! They are working hard to preserve access for all the motorized groups in Utah.