PETA has issues.


Official Cutie Pie
Ogden, UT
Brett said:
The problem also is that man killed off the big predators.......

Actually that's not the problem. The problem is man, but it's man building their houses so there is not habitat left :)

Before man was here, the deer had all of the mountain and valley for food, not they have just a few hundred acres. The food source has changed, has been polluted and there just isn't that much of it anymore.

So ya, we are the problem ... but not because we hunt them in limited numbers. Poachers are a different story and should just be shot!


Resident Stoner
a cloud of smoke
5DollerShake said:
First rule of fart club... Never talk about fart club.

man is part of nature, Man is a predator... Man practices ethical hunting(generaly). Man Makes balance possible. Perfection is not something you'll ever see in nature, With or without man. Perfection is beyond comprehension. You must first realize you are the spoon to bend it. Just as you must realize you are part of nature.
Deep. I dig it.


Well-Known Member
rkillpack said:
Joe, you tell me where, when, and how. I think that a poster will look better than the B&W POS that is hanging in my room. I still can't get over it.
No problem. Pm your address or ?


Well-Known Member
Fish don't feel pain according to my vegan friend and some Buddha type guy is vegan and turns out you can't live your whole life without eating meat so since fish don't feel pain he eats them.


It's just one term!
Did anyone see the FOX report tonight?
The story made it to national new's. ( if you consider FOX national. :rofl: )
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yea, thanks for the poster Jeepinjoe, Its going up @ work tommarow.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: