Pex repair?


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Seems no matter what I'm messing with, I can find somebody here who can help. So here goes!

Found a plumbing leak in the trailer, very back corner, under the tub - had to remove the tub to find it.

Blue line is leaking at the elbow.


Can't tell if it's leaking from the elbow itself, or the connection, but either way, that elbow needs to be replaced.

Have never messed with Pex before, at all. Thinking I'll need two junctions and an elbow to repair, and a foot or two of new pipe to get at least one of the junctions out from under the tub so at least I can see/access it if it leaks in the future. The other junction is going to have to stay under the tub, unfortunately.

Anyway... Like I said, NEVER messed with this stuff before. Quick Google search showed quite a few different kinds of fittings. Anyone who has experience with this stuff have any recommendations? Can I get this stuff at Lowe's or Depot (today), or will it be a State Trailer or plumbing supply house deal (later in the week)?

Also, don't know how this stuff is sized. Pipe measures 3/4" O.D. - so is that 3/4" pipe?

Thanks as always!



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Home Depot sells a product called "shark bites" they work on any type of pipe, and are way easy to use. They just slip right on. Way better than crimping. You can buy the 90's that you need. Will take 3 min to install.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't use shark bites. Pex is easy to run. You can get pex stuff at Home Depot but your problem will be getting the tool to crimp the ring. That pipe is 1/2" pex. Don't use the cheesy stainless steel bands Home Depot tries to sell either. If you were closer I'd let you borrow my crimper and probably have the stuff on my truck but you're a ways away.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Okay, going to head to Lowes in a few, will see what they have and avoid shark bites. I have a crimper for the stainless bands I used when putting my sprinkler system together years ago, but it sounds like maybe those bands aren't the way to go either. Will see what they have I guess and if none of it looks good enough will try State Trailer or a plumbing place later in the week.

Any thoughts on the push-lock fittings? I saw those when I googled. Kind of expensive, but if they work good I only need three fittings so not a huge chunk.

Thanks for the info!



Well-Known Member
Push lock is almost the same as a shark bite. Get the fittings and the copper rings. Avoid stainless bands. A plumbing supply may be able to rent you the tool


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Okay, ended up punting. Lowes had a tool for the copper crimps, but it was $50. So, since I already have the tool for the stainless bands - already had the stainless bands too, that's what I used for now.

She's not leaking (for now), and it was under $10.

But, I'm listening to what you are saying. The bathroom floor is soft now because of this leak and really needs to be repaired as well. Just can not get to that anytime soon though, got a million things going in a million directions right now. So next spring I think I'll tackle the floor project and will see about replacing the repair I just did with copper crimp rings. Be nice to own the tool going forward. Afraid it just wasn't in the budget today.

Thanks again fellas, RME is a freaking wealth of know-how!
