I did find the tag for all the information about this trailer.... it's a 2007 Maxey cargo trailer, has a 7,000# GVRW with 3,500# axles.
Been working on the trailer some more, have got quite a bit done in the last few days! I borrowed a 9" grinder from work... that means it gets the job done 2x as fast as a 4.5"!
This big Milwaukee it a beast.... it's a lot of work to run, too.
Picked up new tail/brake lights, side marker lights, axle straps, chain, tie downs, etc. I spent quite a bit of time re-wiring it, the old wires were shot! I also added a set of Bearing Buddies to make greasing the hubs easy. I also swapped out the tongue jack, it had one that swung down, but I wanted room on the tongue for a storage box. I'll add something in the near future that I can keep a lug wrench, bottle jack and tie-down gear inside of.
I bought some fancy LED brake lights that have built in reverse lights.... but after wiring them, found that my round 6 plug doesn't have the correct wiring for them to activate.
I started hacking up the side rails so I could salvage some of the angle iron for ramps...
Once the wiring was done, the ramps were built and it was looking 'legal' I loaded up the Willys and took it for a ride! The '95 GMC 2500 does OK with the load, but it's not going to win any races. Around town it takes some work to get up to speed and on the freeway it'll do 75 MPH, but you are working it pretty hard. I didn't intend to keep this truck with the TBI 350, but I think there's a very good chance this truck isn't going to be around much longer. The truck actually stops pretty decent w/o trailer brakes, but I wouldn't want to try an emergency stop. I will be working on adding brakes ASAP.
I do NOT like where the chain it sitting, IMO it's too far out to the side. The Willys stayed tight, but I'd rather have the chain coming to the back of the trailer. I'll weld on some 'C' channel mounts for better attachment points or try wrapping the chain around the rear-most upright. I simply ran the chain over the top of the diff, then under the axle tubes, seemed very secure. The front is similar, I'll add 'C' channel for better tie down points. This was a temporary test, just to try it out. It worked, but the tie-down system needs to be refined.