Planes, trains & rock art...


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This isn't really a trip report, more of an experience report, so I thought it would go better here.

So a few days ago I decided to take the family on a quick tour of some rock art near our place in Nevada.

One our stops was a petroglyph site with a lot of really weathered pets on smaller rocks and a good bighorn sheep panel on a big boulder.


After climbing back down the slope and preparing to walk back to the truck, we heard a train coming and all turned to watch it emerge from the nearby tunnel.


Then, as the train was going by, we all heard the unmistakeable sound of fighter jets in the canyon! Before I scarcely had time to raise my camera and try to get some shots of them, the first one was already passing by only a couple hundred feet overhead, doing a complete 360* barrel roll as he went by before going around the corner out of sight. Too cool!


A couple seconds later the second one came over and I got a few frames of him going by - he did one complete barrel roll, then started another and went out of sight around the corner while upside down. The roar of course was incredible at such close range and within the canyon walls - the train only a few yards away was completely drowned out by the jet engines. We all loved it! For me at least, it was way cooler than the fireworks at the park the night before :D.



While walking back to the truck they came by again going the other way, both doing full rolls again. The ability to pilot a jet at such speed in such tight confines while following the twists of the canyon and going inverted apparently just for the fun of it absolutely blows my mind!



After that, the rest of our rock art tour was kind of anti climatic <grin>.
