Pleasant Grove Trails info.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Hi all,

So I am getting back to you sooner than expected because the trails look great! We removed all of the closure signs tonight and the trails are ready to ride.
There are still a few small wet section so please ride through these areas carefully to reduce damage. There are also still a bunch of trees down on the Mill Canyon Trail #040 so you may want to wait a week or so to ride that trail. We have not been on the Ridge Trail #157 north of the Tibble Fork trail #041 so I am not sure on those conditions.

Also just a reminder that we will be doing a volunteer work project on June 2nd. We will send out more information as it gets closer.

I will send out additional information as we clear trails, and as always if you are on a trail and see issues, downed trees etc. Please let me know.

Thanks, and have a great summer.

Cheryl Butler
Trails, Wilderness, Dispersed Recreation
and Recreation Special Uses Manager
Pleasant Grove Ranger District