Please Watch This


Suddenly Enthusiastic
It is important to me.


This is my sister-in-law. Before she dies, she wants to show her young daughter that she can achieve her dreams, whatever they are. You can help just by watching the video. If you want to help more, pass it on to someone else. Eventually if enough people see it, it will get to someone who can help make a dream come true.


Formerly black_ZJ
Man, I'm so sorry to hear about your family having to go through this, that video definitely brought a tear to my eye. Once I figure out how I will post it up everywhere I go online.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Some of you may remember the two girls who were run over by the buggy at the St. George UROC event years ago. Megan was one of those girls. She had some serious injuries, including a fractured skull, and spent several days in the hospital.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Some of you may remember the two girls who were run over by the buggy at the St. George UROC event years ago. Megan was one of those girls. She had some serious injuries, including a fractured skull, and spent several days in the hospital.

I wondered if that was her. Sorry to hear, but I love how she's handling the issue. I wish your family and most importantly her and her immediate family the best!


Well-Known Member
Posted to my FB page and my Joe At TeraFlex FB page. I'm working on spreading the work with some friends that might be able to help.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Posted to my FB earlier, and PM'ed to some friends of mine in the music biz back east.

Friends in the music biz! Sweet! When this happens, it would be fun to trace back what connections it went through to get there.