Potable water in Blanding?


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Anyone know a for sure place I can stop and fill my travel trailer water in Blanding? Be totally fine if I had to fill a jug and pour, don't really need to hook up a hose or anything. Just an available spigot.

Not sure yet whether I'll be passing through Thur. night, possibly after business hours, or mid day on Fri.

Hoping someone knows a definite place I can stop and fill up though, whether it be a gas station or the visitor center thing there or wherever. Save me some possible searching.




By endurance we conquer
She works in Blanding so i am sure she can get a friend to let you fill up at their house if it has to be Blanding.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Cool. Can I park fairly close to it? Doesn't need to be close enough for a hose, just close enough that I won't need to stop for rest hauling a jug back and forth :D.



By endurance we conquer
We head down Thursday to San Juan for the deer hunt. I fill up at home because my water tastes better :)


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I'm heading down for the deer hunt as well. But still not sure if I'm leaving Thur. afternoon or early Fri. morning.

The water tank on my trailer has a problem with self syphoning out the fill spout. Most trips, it's not a big deal as it doesn't usually lose "that" much. For this one though, I'm staying as long as 8 or 9 days, depending, and so want it fully full on arrival.

It's not a big huge deal though. I'll fill it before I leave and will only need a top off before leaving Blanding. And worst case, I run back down to town for a jug full at some point. I'll be alone and won't need a ton of water. And probably have to make a trip down to Blanding for gas at some point anyway if I end up staying the full time.



Well-Known Member
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Looks like I'm heading down tomorrow afternoon. If it is still dry up on top, I'm just going to camp right up on Elk Ridge. If it's wet at all up there, I'm not dragging the trailer into it and will find a spot lower down. Be in my little red Ram 1500. This outfit:




By endurance we conquer
We will be camped at peters point just north of Monticello. Hiking in Canyon lands Friday, hunting sat and sun.