Potato Salad Hill Campaign

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Lobbyist \ Consultant
Would U4WDA or RME like USA-ALL to help spread the word. We can get it out to thousands of people and to our press list. If so email me what you want the "alert and press release" to say and we will promote the daylights out of what you're doing.


somewhat damaged
Andre - Thank you for posting that on Pirate! We have received some donations from that end and it is helping a ton! Thank you very much for doing that! :)

Mike - That would be very cool. If we could possibly just use what's already written on the donation page that should work very well. :)


Well-Known Member
I got it up over at Planet...

Nevermind I deleted it. U4WDA posted right after I did.
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Lobbyist \ Consultant
USA-ALL Matching Funds

This just went out minutes ago. I hope it helps. :handlebars:

Dear Action Alert Subscriber,
Easter Jeep Safari is just around the corner! This year like all other’s there will be folks who will scrutinize every step that the event organizers, participants, and non-participants take. USA-ALL wants to support those local organizations that take measures to ensure that this wonderful event will continue for many years. One such project is being done by our friends at the Utah 4-wheel Drive Association. This is a very worthy project. It will show much good will, environmental ethics, and hopefully bring some good press to our community. We strongly encourage your support of this effort. It really helps drive home the point that off-roaders care about the places we recreate at. We ARE true environmentalists.
Visit their website at http://rockymountainextreme.com/PSHcleanup2008.php and get all the info you need and donate a few bucks if you can, seriously just donate 5 or 10 bucks. Read below to see how we will match your donation if you go through USA-ALL. If we all chip in a little it will be easy. If you would prefer you can donate to them directly but USA-ALL will make your money go further if you send it through us because of matching funds we will make available, plus you get a tax write off! You can donate through us online at www.usaall.org or over the phone by calling 801-798-6996. Be sure to specify your donations use for this purpose and we will send 100% of your money to U4WDA for this project. Again, if you donate through USA-ALL we will match your donation dollar for dollar up to $500. We will provide $500 in matching funds. Let’s at least get $1000 from USA-ALL and our supporters to U4WDA. Let’s make it happen!


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Same as the dumpster fund. This is the RME project to raise money to pay for the dumpster and port-a-potties. And to coordinate the clean up of PSH for the week.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Same as the dumpster fund. This is the RME project to raise money to pay for the dumpster and port-a-potties. And to coordinate the clean up of PSH for the week.

that's what i thought... was somewhat confusing to see the number of fund raising type threads for it.

can we combine the meat of this thread into the stickied one in Gen4x4?
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