Pritchett Canyon - Please Read!


I luv Pritchett
Sorry, no pics, but I walked up and looked at it on Sunday evening. The ledges are gone, looks like a gravel road. I was hoping that they could have left it at least somewhat challenging, but from the Road Dept's view, I can see why they did it that way.


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EDIT: Descrpition

As you come down it the entire left side was leveled out about the width of a wide rig. It looks as though all the broken rock is filling in the ledges, so once that moves away it will be interesting to see if any of the ledge remains, or if they did an effective job of smoothing it out. At the bottom ledge, the right side of it is still tall, creating a puckery off-camber situation for rigs that are top heavy or take the line a little too far to the passengers side. The way it is set up is that you will most likely be set up to the passenger side otherwise you are faced with skirting and turning out of the top edge of the embakement--or alternatively just dropping straight down into the bottom of the wash and driving back up which seams like the more logical approach to anyone who doesn't know any better. Either way, dropping into the wash is the solution for either line for anyone who wants the easiest way down.

:done edit:

I saw it a couple weeks ago. They didn't 'pave it' to the level that I expected to see, but it deffinately lost it's challenge. What I found most ABSOLUTELY rediculous is that what was done did absolutely nothing to prevent people from dropping down into that wash! I thought that was the primary intention? In fact, it kind of 'funnels' people straight down towards it--or at least more towards it than you would have gone before. We had 2 of the rigs start to head down the embakement until they were told otherwise--people who don't know are just going to head straight down into the bottom just like they did before.

I just think it was a cop out. Yeah, people can get out if they break something, but I thought the more important issue here was the environmental impact of people dropping down into the bottom of the wash, and what was done did absolutely nothing to prevent that.

Generally, people who run trails like Pritchett didn't just jump into the sport overnight--they have spent a while learning the ropes and building a rig to that capability. Now, just about anyone and everyone can get into the trail regardless of their knowledge of the area and it's sensitivity. Traffic is going to increase into the area, and nothing new has been done to prevent this new traffic from going into areas (such as the bottom of the wash in the WSA) where they aren't supposed to be.

I fear the situation has been made worse.

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James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Cody said:
Now, just about anyone and everyone can get into the trail regardless of their knowledge of the area and it's sensitivity. Traffic is going to increase into the area, and nothing new has been done to prevent this new traffic from going into areas (such as the bottom of the wash in the WSA) where they aren't supposed to be.

I fear the situation has been made worse.


great, not what I want to see happen.


I luv Pritchett
Cody, when you saw it, the county had not finished.

It is now a smooth road. The tall ledge on the right at the bottom has been totally removed. Grandma could do it in her Buick. We may not like it (I've said that from the begining), but it WILL NOT force people into the WSA, it WILL improve safety, and it WILL allow people to get back out.

Will it allow more people to enter who have no business on the trail? Probably. Will it make matters worse than they were before? I seriously doubt it. And the rest of the trail is unchanged. All we have lost is a problem, that really wasn't much of an obstacle for well set up rigs or good drivers anyways.



Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Here are a bunch of pics from several different angles.











evanston wy
WTF? It wasn't that bad,all you have to do is drive straight off.We watched a group while we were there and everyone of them went off the left side and I cant see why you would?