Proposal to close access in Millville/Providence Canyon area

The Logan Ranger District of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest is requesting comments on three alternative actions affecting the Millville/Providence Canyon area. The proposed action will affect 4x4 users specifically, but the long term ramifications have the potential to affect all OHV use in the area. Please take a moment to review the information, and submit a comment to the Logan Ranger District.

For detailed information on this issue, please visit:

Additional information can be found here:

Look half way down the page under "Logan Ranger District - Proposed Projects."

Comments must be received by Tuesday September 4th. Comments can be submitted by email or USPS mail.

Comments sent by mail should be directed to:
Janet Valle
1500 E Hwy 89
Logan, UT 84321

Email comments should be sent to:

For information on submitting comments to land managers, please refer to our info library (

Special thanks to John Borg for providing the analysis of this issue.


Just me
As i read that, they are just moving roads from one place to another right? still the same access, but by another route?